AV | How You Met 🔪😤💞

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Warnings: Attempted Sexual Assault, alcohol, blood, dirt. Slight fluff at the end


Blood has such an interesting taste.

Bitter in every way as it serves a reminder,

You are dying.

It was supposed to be a fun weeklong vacation with you in your girlfriends in Mexico.

You felt stereotypical as you and your tourist friends spoke poor Spanish and devoured the country's greatest foods.

One night though, you wondered off too far.

You remembered the first night you arrived, seeing cloth covered in the cartels promises of death if you went against El Sin Hombre or his men. It made you question why the hell you were here in the first place, but your friend promised that you only had to travel through this part to get to the better part of Las Alamas.

And stupidly, you believed her.

It was a night out on the town with liquor, dancing and loud music.

And all of the sudden, your friend group got separated. One at the bar, one on the dance floor, one went home with two strangers looking for a good time, one was in the bathroom, and then there was you. You stepped outside for a moment to get some fresh air. It was a cool summer night with music bouncing in the background and people chattering. You felt save, you felt happy. Living the life, the dream of traveling the world and seeing imaginable things.

All that came to a stop as you heard a twig snap near you. Your head faced the area from where the noise came but all you saw was trees and bushes, lightly swaying in the breeze.

Usually, you'd just walk back into the building behind you and never go towards something that gave you an icky feeling.

But alcohol and bad choices go hand in hand and stupidly, you walked towards the sound.

You walk through the bushes, finding a dirt pathway. You scoffed, a little disappointed that there wasn't hottie in leather waiting to fuck you nicely and treat you like the princess that you are. You turned back around when heard something heavy drop and a zip noise following.

Suddenly there is a rope wrapped around your ankle and taillights come to life with the sound of engine and before you know it...

You fall on your back roughly, banging your head and finally, you are being dragged down the dirt path.

You scream as you feel your top ride up and the rocks and dirt of the ground dig and scratch your back.

Manically laughter leaved the truck dragging you.

"HELP ME! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" You cried and screamed.

Suddenly the truck swerved to a stop, but your body kept rolling till it collided with a tree trunk.

Nothing that you can see is broken but your body feels sore and winded.

You laid there on your side as footsteps approach you.

"Come bitch, get up." the man grabbed by your hair and dragged you up to your knees, where you can see several more men making their way over with nasty grins.

"Please. Please don't hurt me." Your lips quivered as you begged, looking away.

The man reached for your chin gently, making you look at him.

"Oh, sweet thing, were not going to hurt." The man smiles. "In fact, if you are really sweet, this might even feel good for you." He says as he begins the undo his belt and pulls his jeans down.

"No!" You cried as the man got on his knees on top of you. He smirked wickedly as he grabbed your wrist and pinned them down. You scream as he started kissing and licking your cheek. He sat back on his knees and started pulling as your shirt before he stops. You hear something fly into the wind as something small is imbedded into the brain of each man, causing them slowly to fall down, causing the man on top of you to squish you.

You gasped and whined as you tried to push him off of you.

You hear footsteps rushing towards you.

"Rudy, Ayúdame a levantar su cuerpo. (Help me lift his body.)"

"Si, Senor."

The weight on you lifted and you sighed out in relief. "You looked up at the men above and instinctively moved back and away while fixing your top that ripped up and over your chest. You fight back tears as the men slow their movements. "Hey, it's alright." One man said as he pocketed his weapons. "I am commander Alejandro Varges, and this is Sargent major Rudolpho Parra." Rudy smiled gently at you. Your head nearly snaps of your neck when you hear a noise behind you, back into the woods. More men make themselves known. "Hey, relax." Alejandro calls your attention. "They are my men; they won't hurt you." He says gently. "Rudolpho, get me a towel." Alejandro commands.

Rudy then takes off his backpack and pulls out a large towel and hands it too Alejandro. Alejandro then walks towards you with it and wraps it around your shoulders. "Can you walk?" Alejandro asked. You shook your head, "My back... I-" You started crying. Alejandro quickly took a look at your back was met with an ugly sight of blood, dirt, ricks, and scratches. You pulled your top back down neatly like a gentleman, making your heart flutter at the thoughtfulness. Alejandro helped you stand up before carrying you in a bridal style. You lean your head on his chest and sigh out of relief. Before you know it, they load you up in their trucks and started driving, where? You did not know but it felt safer then where you just came from.


Part Two Anybody? =)

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