Speak the Truth (Part 2/5)

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Hey guys! I am back.

Also, a shoutout to @CheetahAlphaGame ! As they got my question from last chapter correct!

Give them a follow please. :) They've been commenting on this story for a couple months now, and was also the very first person to comment on this story!!! (Thank you so much!)

Without further ado, let's get into this chapter.


//CHAPTER 12.2

Orange: because why not-

In the quiet corners of an intimidating world,

Two souls meet, like strangers in the night.

Awkward smiles and hesitant words,

A tentative dance of curiosity and delight.


Orange froze as he realized that he was hearing it right. The human had just spoken to him. In his language.

"Woah woah woah-" Orange yelped in surprise, turning all the way around.

The human's eyes were wide. They didn't speak again, but shoved Orange to the side, quickly dropping the sugar and picking up the small gadget that Orange had been observing earlier.

The human's hands were trembling slightly as they held it up to where they could see it better.

"I-I don't believe it..." They said quietly. However, the voice sounded a little distorted.

Orange clenched his claws into fists, "So you can speak!" He exclaimed. Had they been hiding it this entire time? He wasn't sure whether to be shocked or angry at them.

The human glanced over at him, still clutching the gadget tightly, "I think this is some sort of...translator." They said, sounding uncertain.

Orange froze, unclenching his fists. "You mean...that little thing? It-it made it so that...we can talk?" He asked, disbelieving. Maybe they weren't playing tricks on him after all.

The human nodded. At first the two stood in an awkward silence, as they had both saved each other's lives before, but hadn't ever ever exchanged words with each other.

The human continued to look at the translator for a moment more, before looking up at Orange.

"So...you're Orange, aren't you?" They asked, a smile growing on their face.

Orange didn't respond for a moment, looking away from the human, and then looked back at them, eyeing them warily. He knew that they had just saved him, but he still wasn't sure how much he could tell them.

Then he grinned slightly. "How could you tell?" He said, deciding that he at least owed them an answer.

The human fiddled with the translator, thinking for a moment. "The man in the speakers told us." They replied, waiting to see what Orange would say.

Orange froze again as the human said that. He hadn't expected an answer like that. His eyes widened, and he stammered for a moment, trying to find his words.

"The...man? The man in the speakers?" Orange repeated slowly, turning to face them fully.

The human nodded. "Yes. The guy who told us to find the Lookies." They said, staring at him curiously. Then they furrowed their brow, concerned.

"Wait...you didn't know?" They asked him. Orange shook his head quickly, not responding as he gripped his collar tightly in anger.

Orange didn't know why he was so surprised. He had known that Red was behind all of this. He had known that Red was responsible for all of the pointless murders. Yet...he hadn't quite expected that.

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