Chapter Nine

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Warning : This chapter has explicit sexual content. Readers discretion is advised.
For my naughty readers, this is a snippet of what you've been waiting for 😉
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I felt bad for kicking Dan out, but not as bad as I felt about what I had said to Kyle and him leaving the apartment in anger. I mean who was I to judge his sex life when it had nothing to do with me. It was his apartment after all,  so his anger towards Dan showing up unannounced was justified. Unlike mine.

I paced around, going to the balcony to check for his car but he wasn't back yet and it was almost one am. I went inside my room and sat on my desk. I decided to start one of my assignments whilst waiting for him. I was going to apologize as soon as he entered inside the house. I couldn't stand the thought of him going to bed angry over what I had said. I would definitely understand if he wanted me gone after this. I mean, the guy had  spent the previous day shopping with me, trying to make me feel at home in his apartment and I had repaid him by having my friend show up unannounced and being rude about it instead of apologizing and insulting him because of his personal lifestyle.

I didn't know when I slept off, I woke up to soft music coming from the lounge. He is finally back home I thought in relief, checking the time on my phone. It was past three am. I walked out of the room towards the lounge where the music was coming from and froze.

He was sitting on the couch holding a naked girl by her ass cheeks bouncing her up and down on top of him.
I gasped and that gained his attention. He looked me deep in the eyes and started lifting the girl up slowly, spreading her ass cheeks whilst maintaining eye contact with me.
I stopped breathing and remained frozen in spot.
He lifted the oblivious girl all the way up, almost withdrawing completely, living just the head in.
She moaned loudly in protest rolling her hips. He slammed back into her before grabbing her hair from the back of her head and bending her backwards exposing her breast to me. Then he ran his tongue from under her breast to her nipple dragging it into his mouth, groaning softly whilst she moaned loudly, her head thrown back in abandon and her eyes too glazed to even notice that I was there. He released her nipple shifting to her other boob before closing his eyes breaking his eye contact with me.

I snapped out of it and ran back to my room. I closed the door and leaned against it breathing heavily, my heart beating too fast. Several emotions rushing through me. I walked on shaky legs towards my bed and sat down for I don't know how long.
A burst of anger suddenly settled on me. Who the hell did he think he was? I asked myself . The way he completely disregarded my presence or even try to cover up in shame after I walked in on him having sex! I mean I know it's his apartment and all but he wasn't living alone! He could have fucked her in his room! I thought angrily, somehow the thought of him fucking her in his bed making me even more angry, if that was possible.
I can't believe I had stayed up waiting for him to come home so I could apologize.
And fucking her on the couch of all places. I fumed quietly.
I can't do this anymore, tomorrow I was going to demand they find me somewhere else to stay.

I was still too angry when I got inside my bed trying to catch some sleep.
But I couldn't sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see the image of him thrusting inside her whilst maintaining eye contact with me and I could hear her moans over and over again.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to comment and vote 🫶🏼

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