Chapter twenty one

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My alarm for half past eleven woke me up. I yawned, still feeling sleepy and too lazy to get out of bed. I was lucky that I had afternoon lectures today and I swore to myself that I wouldn't stay up that late again during weekdays especially when I had classes the following day. I yawned again and decided to sleep for five more minutes. My second alarm started ringing as soon as I closed my eyes. I turned it off and swore that I would get up with the third one. I was the kind of person who would set six alarms, five minutes apart in order to get up. The third one rang and I finally got out of bed. I decided to have my shower first before making my bed because just looking at it made me want to go back inside and sleep some more. I yawned and walked into my shower just as the fourth alarm started ringing.

I came out of the shower feeling relieved that my alarm had magically stopped ringing. I dried myself and wrapped myself in a tiny pink towel when I was done.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I walked into my bedroom and found Kyle sitting up in my bed, half his body covered by my duvet and leaning against my pillow.

"What the fu....Kyle!" I shout.
"Anne!" He mimicked in a low voice.
"What are you doing in my bed?" I shout.
"Will you stop shouting, jeez your small voice is making my headache worse." He says massaging his temples.
"I wouldn't shout if you weren't in my bed!" I say my voice still raised, "how did you even enter my room anyway?" I ask in exasperation.
He raised an eyebrow and said, "through the door."
"I mean when did you enter my room and have you ever heard of knocking?" I ask, still annoyed.
"I knocked." He says, removing his hands that were massaging his temples and looked up at me. His eyes started moving up and down my body, focusing more on my exposed legs. "I knocked and you didn't answer so..."
"So you decided to let yourself in." I finished for him.
"Exactly" he says, his eyes moving up my legs and resting on the knot that was holding the small towel together.
"Hey, my eyes are up here" I say snapping my fingers at him and pointing at my face. His eyes went up to mine for a second, before dropping to my lips. I rolled my eyes thinking he was a lost cause and he grinned as if he had read my mind.

"What are you even doing in here Kyle?" I ask him.
"I brought you coffee" he says pointing at my desk, "should be cold by now."
"That's really sweet of you, just don't enter my room again unless I invite you in." I say
"So I'm sweet now." He says smiling up at me, "anyway, I came in because I was worried about you." He says, suddenly serious, "when you did answer and I heard your alarm going on and on I thought something had happened to you."
"Umm okay, but I was in the shower so I couldn't just get out covered in soap just to answer the door." I say.
"I figured," he says, "that's why I made myself comfortable whilst waiting for you." He says grinning up at me.
"Good for you," I say, "next time if I don't answer don't just let yourself in, I might be naked or something." I say, walking to my closet to look for the clothes I would wear.

I heard shifting noises in the bed and looked back relieved that he was finally leaving. But he wasn't, he was adjusting my pillows to make himself more comfortable and watching me in the process. I just looked at him and shook my head saying,
"So are you going to leave so I can dress?"
"Nah, I'm good right here." He says, his eyes following my movements, "so tell me Anne," he says, his eyes moving to mine, "are you wearing any panties yet?" He asks his eyes moving from mine to my legs.
"Oh my god Kyle, just get out already." I say, my cheeks burning.
He grins and says, "fine" raising his hands in surrender. He got out of my bed and walked to my desk and picked up the cup with the now cold coffee.
"I will make you another one." He says.
I just nodded and watched him walk out.

He suddenly stopped by the door and turned to me with a wicked smile and said,
"Drop the towel for me and I will add breakfast to the list."
I didn't answer, I reached for the towel that was wrapped around my hair to dry it and threw it at him. He laughed and caught it with his free hand then he sniffed it and said, "I'm keeping this." He winked at me and shut the door. I could hear his laughter as he walked away from my bedroom door.

I walked out of my room to the smell of coffee and toast. I walked into the kitchen and saw Kyle setting up our plates. He looked up at me and said,
"Perfect timing, come eat." He says waving at me to come over.
I walked over and sat down in front of one of the plates. He handed me a coffee mug and I thanked him and we ate our breakfast quietly. I could feel his eyes on me several times.

"Let me go dress so I can drive you to school." He says after he finished eating his breakfast and drained his remaining coffee.
"No" I say too quickly, "but thanks, I want to use the bus today."
He frowned at me and said, "are we going to go through this every time I offer you a ride?" He asks.
"No," I say, "I just want to use the bus today since I'm not in a hurry."
He just stared at me, his face serious.
"It's not that I don't want to be seen with you," I say, "I just want to enjoy the long ride and listen to some music." I finish, showing him my headphones.
He didn't say anything, he just kept on staring at me. Finally he says,
"Fine, wait for me." He says getting up, "I want us to enjoy the long ride together."
My eyes widened and I said, "what?" I definitely wasn't expecting that.
"Give me a few minutes," he says walking to his bedroom, "don't worry I won't disturb your peace, I will carry my airpods." He says grinning as he rushed to his room.

I waited for him to close his door before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the house.

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