Chapter twenty three

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I left the guys in Ashley's room and went to my next lecture. I arrived early and saw the lecturer sticking a printed note on the door. He saw me standing around and asked if I was taking that course and informed me that it was being canceled last minute because of personal emergency. So I decided to go back to my apartment and catch up on some much needed sleep.

I was crossing the car park and saw Kyle leaning on his car with his arm around Kim. I froze looking at them and feeling a rush of jealousy pass through me. I got so angry and somehow felt betrayed. I mean, he was kissing me and pursuing me at home whilst he had some sort of relationship that I didn't understand with Kim. I never liked her from start and I knew she didn't like me too and unlike me, she didn't even attempt to hide it.

I had to walk past them in order to get to the bus stop so I decided to pretend not to notice them. But I didn't have such luck because as soon as Kyle saw me he called out to me, I pretended not to hear him and kept on walking past them. Suddenly I felt someone tug my bag before gripping my shoulder and I turned in annoyance knowing who it was.

"I was calling you" Kyle says.
I just looked at him and said, "really, I didn't hear you."
"Yes you did." He accused.
I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at him.
"So, are you done with your lectures?" He asked.
"Yeah." I say looking at the bus stop, impatient to leave.
"So where are you going now?" He asked.
"Home." I say.
"Cool, let's go together" he says, trying to take my bag from my shoulder.
"No, I want to use the bus." I say, gripping my bag tightly so he wouldn't take it.
He rolled his eyes and said, "not this again" and he tried to remove my bag from my shoulders again.
"Stop it Kyle, I said no. I want to use the bus." I say.
He ignored me and kept on trying the remove my bag from my shoulder.
"Stop it Kyle!" I say angrily pulling away from him and holding on tightly to my bag.
He stopped and looked at me, "what's your problem?" He asked.
"I don't have any problem, I just want to get to the bus stop."
"Why? When I can easily give you a ride since we are both going home." He says.
"Because I don't want to ride with you." I say forcefully.
"Why not ?" He asks tugging on my bag again, almost removing it from my shoulder.
"Oh my god Kyle just stop it already" I say holding on to handles of my bag, "can't you get a hint? Or you want me to spell it out to you? I don't want to ride with you because I don't want to be around you unless it necessary." I say angrily.
He stopped and looked into my eyes for a while and asked, "what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing." I say, "I just want to catch the bus."
He opened his mouth to say something but Kim interrupted him saying,
"Hey Kyle, we are heading to the bar to smoke some shisha later, are you coming with us?"
He didn't say anything, he just kept on staring at me.
"Kyle." Kim said, throwing me a dirty look.
"I'm busy right now Kim." Kyle says.
"No you are not." I say to him, before turning to Kim and saying, "hie Kim."
Before walking away from them.

I ended up running to the bus stop in order not to miss the bus. The bus doors closed behind me and the bus started moving away from the bus stop before I could even find a seat. I found an empty sit by the window and sat down and took out my headphones. I couldn't even hear the music that was playing on my headphones because my mind was on Kyle. I was beginning to have feelings for him and I didn't know how to handle them.

I got home and went straight to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I kept on tossing and turning asking myself why Kyle. Of all the people in the world I had to fall for Kyle Stuarts, the certified fuck boy of our generation. I gave up on the idea of sleep and decided to go sit in the lounge and catch up on my favorite tv shows. I made a sandwich and sat down in front of the tv and started flipping through channels but i couldn't find anything interesting so I opened Netflix and started watching a reality dating show. Just as the dating show got interesting, I heard my phone ringing, I had forgotten it in my bedroom.
I groaned and got up lazily to go get it.

The phone stopped ringing as soon as I entered my bedroom. I picked it up from my bed and saw that it was my mom calling. I called her back immediately and she picked it up at the first ring,
"I'm glad you are alive." She says.
"Hie mom, what's up?" I say.
"What's up?" She asks, "I haven't heard from you since you left France and you are asking me what's up?" She asks.
"Geez Ana, leave the girl alone." I could hear Derek say from the background.
"Hie Derek." I shout.
"I'm not on loud speaker." My mom says, "anyway how are you doing."
"I'm doing great and you?" I ask her.
"I'm good." She says, "do you still have money?" She asks, before I could even respond I heard her instruct Derek to transfer me some money.
"Mom!" I protest.
"What?" She says, "you are far way from me Anne and all on your own so I need to make sure you are taken care of." She says firmly.
I heard Derek say, "if she doesn't need it I'll take it, I'm due for botox anyway."
I started laughing and I heard my mom scold Derek and telling him the amount to transfer before saying,
"Anyway, I just wanted to check on you, and make sure you are ok."
"Thanks mom," I say, then I heard a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen and said, "I gotta go, will call you sometime, love you." And ended the call before she could even reply.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Kyle trying to gather some pieces of broken glass.
"What happened?" I ask him.
He turned to me and dropped the pieces he had gathered back on the floor, then he grinned and started walking towards me. Wait, was he drunk? I asked myself, but before I could figure out the answer Kyle's lips were on mine and his hands were squeezing my ass. I pushed him away and he stumbled backwards and he said,
"Hey baby, I missed you, wait a minute, I always miss you." He says, reaching for me again.
I slapped his hands away and said, "you are drunk."
He shook he's head and said, "no I'm not drunk, I just missed you and I wanted to come home and kiss you because I missed you and wanted to kiss you." He says, repeating the same words over and over again.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, let me get you to bed so I can clean this up," I say, holding his hand in mine and pulling him around the pieces of broken glass.
"Yes, let's go to bed." He says leaning in, attempting to kiss me again.
"Ew, you reek of alcohol." I say, dodging his kisses.
"Come on baby, just one kiss." He says, trying to pull me to him and making both of us stumble, almost falling in the process. He tried to kiss me again and I said,
"Stop it, or will both fall."
"No, I want to kiss you, I always want to kiss you, you gave me the best kiss of my life and you called it a... ah, right, you said it was a stupid game after all and I was hurt."
I stopped and looked at him taken aback, I had hurt Kyle's feelings? I shook my head, and brushed it off. He was just drunk and muttering nonsense.
"I mean it was just a game after all but it wasn't a game after all, I was deeply hurt even though it was just a game after all." He tried to explain.
"Come on big boy, let's get you to bed." I say, dragging him towards his bedroom door.

I turned on the light as soon as we entered his bedroom.
"Ah, too bright." He complained covering his eyes with one of his arms.
"That's what you get for getting drunk like this." I say as I walk him to his bed.
I helped him get into bed and instantly regretted it when he dragged me down with him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and placed one huge leg on top of me. I tried to free myself but he just held me tighter, almost crushing me.
"Kyle, let me go." I say, trying to free myself so I could get out of his bed.
"Shhh." He says.
I tried to free myself again and he said,
"Stop moving around, I want to sleep."
Then he dropped a kiss on my forehead and started snoring lightly.

I waited for a few minutes to make sure he was deeply asleep before freeing myself successfully. I got out of his bed and helped him remove his shoes before covering him with his duvet. I started looking around his room. I mean, it was my first time entering his bedroom so it was normal to be curious. I told myself.
There was a poster of a man smoking a cigarette on top of his bed and another one of his motorcycle. I saw a guitar hanging at the opposite corner of his room and lifted an eyebrow, I didn't know he played the guitar, I thought to myself, or maybe it's just for decoration. Boys will be boys after all, I thought. I saw a collection of picture frames on his bedside and walked towards them curiously. I was about to reach for one when his eyes snapped open and he said,
"What are you doing? Come back to bed."
And that was my cue to leave his bedroom. I walked slowly to the door and looked at him one more time before turning off his bedroom light and closing his door.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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