do you love me?

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I swear, I thought you loved me too.
Everytime I caught your gaze across the room,
you would turn your head away
and smile at the ground.
And I would believe that you loved me.

Everytime I was spending time with my friends,
and you would be with your bros,
dreading to be with me,
you would stare at me until I caught your eyes.
And when a huge smile would grow on your face,
on seeing a blush grow on my cheeks,
I would believe that you loved me.

Everytime your face lit up with happiness
on seeing me,
I believed that you loved me.

Everytime you lowered your voice
while talking to me,
I believed that you loved me.

Everytime you tucked my wild curls
behind my ear
so that you could whisper something to me,
so that it became our inside joke,
I believed that you loved me.

Everytime I looked into those dark brown eyes,
I swear I would see them glistening.
And I would believe that you loved me.

Everytime you took your time out
to bring me back home safely,
to make sure I was okay,
and to just be there for me,
I believed that you loved me.

I believed that you loved me
because I believed what I saw.
But sometimes,
I can't help but wonder,
Do you love me?
Or do you love the way that I love you?

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