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After switching off the car's engine, I take a moment to register the eerie atmosphere that surrounds me, truly wondering how I got here and if it's too late to turn back. But curiosity gets the best of me.

Why here? What is he up to?

The unsettling area holds untold secrets in every nook and cranny.

Dilapidated buildings with peeling paint and broken windows line the streets, their weary facades telling stories of a forgotten past.

The ghost town exudes a sense of abandonment, with overgrown weeds and neglected gardens encroaching upon the sidewalks.

A few eyes stay on me, as if wondering if my Mercedes and I have wandered through the wrong side of town - we just may have.

I slowly open the car door, contemplating whether I should leave my handbag behind. Am I safer with or without it?

I quickly tug it under the car seat before allowing myself to ponder the question any further. I don't waste any more time than I need to in the car  - an important matter requires my attendance and the earlier I get to it, the sooner I'll escape this horrific site with my organs intact.

When I finally step out of the car, I can't help but notice the hushed whispers of the wind, carrying snippets of conversations that seem to fade into the distance. The sound of sirens echoes through the narrow alleyways, adding a touch of tension to the already somber atmosphere.

My uncertainty grows thicker as I continue to take in my surroundings. The feeling of being watched hangs heavy in the air, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Are you lost, miss?"
A voice sounds from one of the abandoned buildings, deepening my anxiety. For a moment, I consider turning back and heading home. Coming here was clearly a mistake.

I have a daughter and a partner who need me. I can't afford to be making such reckless decisions.

"Uhm... sacunda?"
My curiosity overthrows my logic.

"Gosh, sorry, I'm just looking for..."

"No names... Sacunda. Come with me."

Against my better judgment, I follow the terrifying fellow with more tattoos on his body than skin.

We head into the vandalized building and I ignore my adrenal gland telling me to go on flight mode. This will surely make for a fun story one day - if I make it out alive that is.

The abandoned building, as expected, is a labyrinth of darkness and decay, with vandalism and graffiti covering the walls, adding a sinister touch to the already eerie atmosphere.

The sound of our footsteps echoes through the desolate corridors, punctuated by the distant, muffled chanting that seems to grow louder as we venture deeper into the building.

The flickering light from their flashlights casts eerie shadows that dance along the walls, revealing a world of desolation and neglect.

As we maneuver through the debris and rubble, the distant voices grow louder, letting me know we're angling closer to our destination.

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