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To who didn't see it:

Delphine Leveret (Kiwi)
Jessica Lowndes

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Cayden rolls his eyes lightly as he listens to Ron and Hermione arguing with each other. Something about Hermione's cat attempting to eat Scabbers– Ron's pet rat– and talking about how Kiwi is so calm rather than hers. Wait a minute.

"Just because she's calm doesn't mean she doesn't want to eat Scabbers." Cayden said, breaking through the argument between Ron and Hermione. "Every time you put Scabbers close to Kiwi she hisses, Ron." He said when he saw the offended expression on Ron's face, and it was instantly changed into a glare when he said that, looking at Kiwi as if she's done something bad except existing.

"Seriously? She's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect?" Cayden said, rolling his eyes. He leans his head down to Kiwi, whispering something to her, smiling when Kiwi meows. That seems like an agreement.

Then, sensing someone watching him, he turns his head to the staircase and smiles when he sees his twin brother standing at the bottom of the staircase. "Harry!" He exclaimed, moving to stand up and ran towards Harry, hugging the boy who returns the gesture.

"Hello, Cayden." Harry said, letting Cayden pull away from him. "Where's your Godfather?" He asked, looking around the Leaky Cauldron for the Potions Professor.

"He left to buy me more books to read in my free time." Cayden said, ignoring the rolled eyes he got from Ron, holding back a smile when Hermione smacks at the back of Ron's head. Deserved.

"I heard you make into the Quidditch team this year." Harry said, smiling proudly at Cayden.

"I did." Cayden said, grinning brightly.

"What position did you make?" Hermione asked, looking at Cayden.

"Chaser." Cayden answered, noticing the confused look Hermione was trying to hide. "We throw the Quaffle into the goal hoops." He said, smiling at Hermione who returned it.

"I'll see you on the pitch then." Harry said, noticing Snape standing at the entrance.

Cayden looks behind him at Severus, turning back to look at Harry. "I'll see you soon, Harry." He said, hugging Harry's one more time before making his way back. "Ron, Hermione." He said, nodding to them before taking Kiwi's from the table and starts making his way to Severus.

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"Excited for the Quidditch match?" Cedric asked, helping put Cayden's trunk up the compartment train, sitting down beside Cayden after he finished putting it down.

"Think we'll win this time with Cayden in our team, Captain?" A Hufflepuff asked, looking at Cedric. His name is Elias, and the girl sitting beside him is Malia.

Cedric shrugs. "There's a chance."

"You have a lot of hope for me." Cayden said, placing Kiwi's cage down by his feet.

"Cayden, I've seen you play." Malia said, raising an eyebrow.

"Once." Cayden said, raising his eyebrows back at the girl Hufflepuff.

"What do you think about his first play, Captain?" Elias asked, looking at Cedric who is looking at them with amusement.

"I think he'll do a magnificent job as a Chaser." Cedric said, watching as Cayden starts blushing with a grin on his face.

"You're flattering me, Captain." Cayden said, smiling up at Cedric who returns the smile with a small smirk making him blush once again.

"You deserve all the praise, Cayden." Cedric said, turning the smirk into a gentle smile.

"Did you hear about the new Dark Arts professor?" Elias asked, looking at them with a small smile.

"Let's hope he's better than Gilderoy Lockhart." Malia said, taking out a mirror from her back pocket and starts fixing up her lipstick.

"Do we know his name?" Elias asked, looking at Cayden for an answer.

"Dad didn't say anything." Cayden said, his friends not batting an eye at the fact that he had called Severus 'Dad'.

"Are you going to the Quidditch World Cup next year?" Malia asked, satisfied when she finally fixed up her lipstick.

"What team is playing?" Cedric asked.

"It's a match between Ireland and Bulgaria." Malia answered, placing the mirror back where she got it from. She sighed dreamily, leaning back against her seat. "I can't wait to see Viktor Krum." She said, smiling up at the ceiling as if she could see the Bulgarian.

"Who's Viktor Krum?" Cayden questioned, having not kept up with the Quidditch news.

Elias and Malia gasped dramatically, looking at Cayden as if he's done something that could place him in Azkaban.

"He's only the best Seeker, and the most good looking guy ever." Elias said.

Cayden turns his head to look at Cedric, seeing him looking at the duo with amusement. He looks back at Elias and Malia, looking at them with raised eyebrows. "Should I regret asking this?"

By answering him, he got two dramatic gasps from both Elias and Malia. Cayden only lets out a loud groan when that happens, making Cedric laugh.

Hufflepuff boy - Cedric Diggory x male oc x Viktor KrumWhere stories live. Discover now