10|13 wishes; Ayan/Akk.

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For as long as Ayan can remember, he has always been locked in a lamp fulfilling wish after wish of selfish people.

He has limits, of course he does, but sometimes, people were so cruel and evil, that they managed to manipulate his desires to get what they wanted, even if it was against the rules.

Ayan has never killed anyone, but he has granted wishes for other people to do so, so for him, his hands are covered in blood. As the centuries passed, he began to ignore his own ghosts more and more.

Just as he began to ignore the wishes that people asked of him, he began to ignore and hate people.

The last owner of the lamp was a man during the first World War and when the thirteen wishes ran out, his lamp was lost for a long time.

Ayan was happy for one hundred and five years, locked in a vast desert with a castle full of wonders that are updated as times advance and change.

He likes history, it's an entertaining way to spend his time and prevent his new owners from repeating past mistakes. So Ayan spends a century reading about history that was updated all the time.

Until his reign of peace came to an end when he was cast out of the lamp once again.

This time and for the first time in more than four centuries, Ayan has a teenager as his owner and he is a headache, even before met the child.

Ayan remembers how Akk drops the lamp on the floor and the rag in his hand stays hanging.

"What's wrong? Did you see a genie, bigfoot?"

Akk's face became more amused as his mouth fell open and he turned pale. Yes, he had passed out a second later. Since Akk now owned him, Ayan had to hold Akk's body and, maybe, he take care of him a little more than he should.

As a genius, Ayan must follow different rules that he hates very much. One of them is to always make sure that his owner is safe while they is unwell, at least as long as help is within Ayan's reach. He cannot use his magic if his owner does not make a wish and even if he could, Ayan has never wished to help any of his owners.

The first time, Ayan was excited, he barely understood what his work was about and he thought that granting wishes was cool, because having magic is cool. The first owner of it was not great.

Ayan has lost owners due to sudden deaths. Ayan remembers during a war that his previous owner was resting hidden in a bend and was ambushed while he slept. Ayan only watched as he was murdered in cold blood. He couldn't do anything and it was fine that way.

That wasn't the first time he lost owners without finishing his thirteen wishes, probably won't be the last either.

But Akk is different. Akk is the first person who has not made a wish.

At this point, Ayan and Akk know each other quite a bit, at least Ayan knows Akk well. He knows that Akk strives to achieve things for himself and not depend on others. He knows Akk doesn't want to let people down. He knows that Akk does bad things to keep his scholarship. He knows that Akk has been close to the edge of ending himself more than once.

Ayan has been with Akk for four years and he has never shown any intention of making a wish. Not when Akk wanted with all his might to be a student prefect. Not when Akk is in financial trouble and Ayan can improve that. Not when Professor Chadok has pressured and manipulated him so much that Akk burst into tears on the beach.

Ayan had never seen Akk cry like that before. Ayan is not familiar with his own tears, he has never cried, but he has seen many people cry. But Ayan discovered something that night and is that he didn't like seeing Akk cry.

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