Chapter 14 - An Enlightening Conversation

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"Well, you know about my condition asss well asss the new gods. Why am I not sssurprrrised?" I said sarcastically, looking at my reflection in the steaming tea.

"Oh, have you met my old companions?" Nosramus asked, his eyes widening slightly in surprise.

"Not exxxactly. The old New Godsss appeared in my dreams, curiousss about my presence in the dungeon, probably becaussse of the strange way it is acting. They used some of my memoriesss to create a comfortable environment, but we rrreturned to the Hall of the Godsss when I discovered who they were." I shrugged.

"Curious, so you already knew the New Gods and the Hall of the Gods. It is impressive, but not impossible, if you look in the right places. Can you tell me what you talked about?" Nosramus asked, frowning, deep thought.

"I can, but only ifff you answer some of my quessstions in return."

"Of course, nothing more fair. However, tell me something, will you not drink my tea? It was troublesome to find the right mushrooms and prepare them." Nosramus smiled gently, raising his cup and signaling to mine.

Hm... I hesitated for a moment. Nosramus is not a bad person, but I am afraid there is something unknown in this tea. It is all too good to be true.

I looked at the Girl sitting next to me. She remained quiet and listened to our conversation as she stared at her tea. We exchanged a hesitant glance, wondering what to do.

Well, I just hope that Moonless and Iron Shakespeare will act in case some poison or sleeping potion affect us, maybe I can even give an order or cast a spell.

"Blow it beforrre you drinkrr." I said to the Girl and she nodded in confirmation, so we drank our tea simultaneously, and Nosramus did the same.

Nosramus looked at us expectantly, his serene smile never leaving his face, while his eyes widened visibly.

I called his name and snapped my fingers in front of his face, but got no response. I raised a questioning eyebrow at this lack of reaction until I felt strangely light and the walls melted.

"Holy shit!" I screamed from the top of my lungs as everything spun around me.

The floor and ceiling spun, becoming whirlpools that consumed everything around them. Multicolored geometric shapes danced through the air, floating in random patterns everywhere.

The fire in Nosramus' stove burst into flames, forming a screaming face as the books around us opened and closed, whispering incomprehensible words.

I looked towards Moonless and Iron Shakespeare. The wolf looked like a badly rendered 3D model, as if someone took a quadruped enemy from a video game and forced it into a humanoid model, leaving it standing.

Iron Shakespeare became a beautiful work of Pixel Art, an extremely detailed 2D figure that moved slightly from side to side in a looping animation while a happy song played in the background.

I then looked at the Girl, seeing her pupils dilated and mouth open in an empty expression, until six more Girls appeared floating next to her, all in the same position, but with different colored hair, representing the colors of the rainbow.

Suddenly, an explosion of colors hit my eyes, forming a large fractal that approached infinitely. I sank into my chair at this sight, but it was over as quickly as it began, and I flew forward as if I were in the seat of a car that came to an abrupt halt.


I looked around when my head stopped spinning and realized something important: I was no longer in Nosramus' laboratory but on a grassy, green hill overlooking the sea.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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