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Eunchae had her eyes closed. No, they were open, but she couldn't see. She was blind folded. When she gained consciousness, she felt her hands tied behind her. The material of whatever was around her hands was making her wrists itch.

Footsteps approached and her heartbeat picked up. Beads of sweat running down her face made pieces of her hair stick to her face.

She tried making a sound, but her voice was muffled. Duck tape had been put on her mouth.

Her blind fold was removed and she blinked a few times before opening her eyes fully on the strange man who stood in front of her.

He held a phone to his ear, a voice speaking out of it. "Yes boss. She's right here safe and sound... Oh don't worry now, we'll make sure to make good use of her until her father pays us back." He then hung up.

The man smiled brightly at Eunchae. "Don't worry, you're safe for now. If you're good... we'll be able to play very well with one another." He ran a finger down her face then landed on her lips, feeling the texture of it.

Eunchae's breath hitched as she held in a wail. A tear escaped from her eye and made it's way down to her cheek.

"Oh no. I didn't mean to make you cry." He's face softened as he wiped the tear with his thumb. He then brought his thumb to his mouth and sucked it, letting out a satisfied groan then smirked.

The young girl was both disgusted and terrified of the act he just did. She wanted to get out of the place as soon as possible.

"P-please. Let me go." She finally said something.

"Oh, what a pretty voice you. I'm afraid I can't let you go though, boss' orders." He added.


"Oh? You're begging? You should save that for later. That's when you'll want to be begging." He let out a chuckle. He put the duck tape back on her mouth and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You know what? I really hate school." Jiwoo commented while walking to lunch with Yoona and Jinsol.

"That's the third time you've mentioned it today." Yoona shook her head at the girl.

"Because it's true. Can't I just become rich without education?" She groaned and Jinsol chuckled.

"What? Are you finding amusement in my struggles?" She questioned her.

Jinsol shook her head, "I'm surprised you even know what amusement means considering how much you hate school."

"Well, I am forced to take language classes so why not use the words I learn?" She shrugged.

"Has anyone seen Kyujin?" Haewon questioned the three when they joined the lunch table.

"She's absent?" Yoona asked, giving Yunjin a little peck.

"Again?" Jiwoo asked too. "She was absent yesterday as well. I thought she would come back after our sleepover."

"She was supposed to. She said she would. Maybe something happened to her." Jinsol added.

Jiwoo's phone buzzed with a text from Kyujin. "Speak of the devil. Kyujin just texted me saying she's okay and that something happened so she'll be absent for a while."

"I hope nothing happened with her dad again." Haewon sighed. "She really went through the most after her mom died."

"Let's just hope she's okay."

"Mom. I have a lead on where Eunchae is." Kyujin said, walking into the home of her missing ex-girlfriend.

"Kyujin, you should really rest. I can see those eyebags. I already told the police and they're busy tracking her down." She sighed, sitting the girl down by the kitchen island.

"Mom, I told you that I would bring her back. I should, my father was the one who took her." She whined.

"You haven't eaten, have you?" She ignored Kyujin, "I'll make you something to eat."

"Mom, listen to me." Kyujin watched as the older woman sighed, "I heard dad talking on the phone. He's going to go to Eunchae face to face and I put a tracker on him. I'll bring Eunchae back tonight."

"Do you really mean that? I don't want you getting hurt. Eunchae's gone, my husband hasn't been picking up his goddamn phone. Who knows if he's lying dead in a ditch? I don't want to have you gone as well."

Kyujin gave her a hug. "I'll always be here for you. You said it yourself, I'm like your real daughter and you're my mother."

"Stay safe. And when you get there, call the police for backup." She sniffled.

"I will mom."

Am I dragging this? Yes, I am. But here's an update after like 2 weeks or so.

I've written half of my exams. 6 papers down, 6 more to go😭 I'm (barely)  hanging in there

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <33

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