Uncertain Kindness

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Hey! I've been having a pretty good few days with Ideas so I'm pretty happy with this! :) hope you enjoy, and please leave some comments on how you think of it.

I sat, staring at him for a moment. Taking in his features, how can such a evil person be so gifted with looks. Although, he hasn't not much yet since I've came back in time.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in my face.

"Oh sorry. I don't really know what to say.." I started.

"I don't really have much of a family. My mom and dad died before I was 2, I moved in with my aunt and then she died when I was 7. After that I spent my remaining years in several orphanages and foster homes. " I was staring down at the wood table, this was all true so it's not like I'm lying.
"But then I got a letter from Hogwarts. That changed my life." I ended looking up at him.

His face was void of emotion, but I saw a linger of pain in his eyes but it quickly
Vanished into nothing.
"Well it seems we have a similar background." He spoke softly. His hand moved across the table taking my hand into his, I felt my heart stop for a moment and I couldn't breathe.

"Yeah, I guess we do." I whispered, looking down at our hands.

He let go after a few moments, the warm fuzzy feeling leaving with him.
The library was much quieter than when I first arrived, no one but the librarian was still here.

"How about you eat lunch with me at my table?" He asked. His hands messing with his gelled hair. Even messing it up made it look perfect.

"Oh, sure." I looked up at him my eyes meeting his. "That'd be nice."

"Okay," he sat up. "Let's go then." He tucked his chair under the table and waited for me to get up.
I stood and we walked out together and made our way to the hall.

The Slytherin table was the quietest, which is to be expected. We all hate everyone and think everyone is stupid. So.

We both sat down, the food appeared after Dippet made a small speech. A few of toms friends, I don't know if they are actually his friends but his acquaintances sat down next to us.

"Hello, Malfoy and all of you." He said not really paying attention.

"Hello, Tom." They all said together.


"Guys, this is Maddie." He said nonchalantly.

"Hello, Maddie." The boy I heard as Malfoy, he stuck out his hand and smiled at me weirdly. Great, I thought.

"Uh, hello."I smiled, fairly.

Tom must of noticed my uncertainty because he quickly changed the subject.

"Malfoy. Stop." He sneered looking evilly at him.
I would of sunk back into my chair if I was him.

"Sorry, Tom." He apologized softly. Sneaking a look at me.

After dinner we all separated and I began walking up the stairs to the common room.

"Hey babe." A voice popped up.
I turned and met eyes with Malfoy.

"Oh hello." I said softly, turning back slowly and began walking again.

Hey, where you going?" He sneered pulling my arm around and gripping tightly in my wrist.

"Ouch. Stop, seriously." I whispered, angrily.

"Oh baby, am I hurting you." He pushed me against the wall, I looked up at him scared. "I wouldn't want to hurt such a beautiful face and.." He stopped looking down at my body. I gulped.

"Stop. Seriously, you perve." I pushed him off me and tried to walk again but he pushed me against the wall again my face smashed against the stone wall.
His body pushed against mine, making me feel sick. His hands gripped my hands over my head.

"How about you stop fighting it? Eh, Maddie." He hissed.
I started to cry, "stop." I got out my heart beating faster.
He flipped me around and smashes his nasty lips upon mine. He started to get angry and grip my arms tighter.
I cried harder.

I heard a sound around the corner, "help!!!" I screamed.
He stomped on my foot, and whispered "shut the fuck up!"
I cried out again, and a flash of light whipped in front of me sending Malfoy across the hallway and I fell down against the wall, feeling like I was going to pass out.
A hand touched mine, i looked up quickly. Tom.

"Maddie." He whispered.
I began to cry, frantically. He quickly pulled me into his chest and I hugged him. Scared he was going to disappear like everyone else.

He picked me up softly and my head landed between his head and his shoulder, I was silently crying.
Next thing I knew I was laid down In a soft bed, and Tom sat down next to me.

"Please. Don't leave me." I hiccuped.
"Don't disappear like everyone else." I whispered my eyes drifting shut.

"Never." He whispered. The last thing I heard before my eyes closed all the way.

Maybe she can change Fate.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang