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*just a little note; this chapter may be a bit boring but it's mostly a chapter about Tom and his thoughts just to get a good look inside. Oh, please watch the video before you start to read, if your unable to watch click ->

Toms pov:

Sitting in the class room early is something I usually do, it's usually a time where I reflect on what I want and all the power I feel. But recently I've been bloody distracted and utterly confused. I already know no one in this school would understand let alone above. I've been so caught up with the future I haven't looked around me, I've got so many demons.
To be honest I don't understand why I've been so distant lately.
Maybe it's because of the new girl, something new about her makes her interesting. She's a lot smarter than many of my class mates and seems more than a little different and a lot distracting. I mean - every bloody wizard stares at her as she goes by like she's some sort of prize. Every witch looks at her like they loath her or maybe wanna be her, I don't know.
The teacher, professor Slughorn, coughs changing my train of thoughts - he's standing right before me.
"Mr.Riddle? Would you like to join me in a meeting tonight?" He asks.
I knew this was coming, im his favorite and usually the only one he asks to join apart in one of his "meetings" which usually involve food more so than a meeting.
"Sure, Professor." I obliged. I nodded curtly before looking back down at my desk and opening my books. I saw Slughorn nod and walk back to his desk and sit down, shuffling through papers for today's lessons probably.
Soon, the shuffle of feet and idiotically drained voices swarm in. I grunt and glare at everyone who walks in before turning to the front. Everyone had sat down and began there usual conversation before class and like usual I hear all the things each person talks about.
Like - Simon Finnegan, all he blabs about his his position on the Gryffindor team and girls. And Lillian, like more girls talk about makeup and love potions. All are the same. No one in this school is worth my time. No one. That's why I choose to hate, to keep away, to stay away for a matter a fact. I hate because of my parents, the life I was forced into and the one I despise. My idiot mother and my muggle father.
I've missed the rather annoying chats when I hear small quick footsteps to the door, I turn slightly to see a glimpse of blonde hair and flushed cheeks. The same I spied on last night, the same girl I seem to be so fascinated with and I have no idea why.
She sat down at the back, I noticed she quickly looked at me before turning away. She is beautiful, nothing I would admit but not stupid enough to not notice, she was a natural beauty. Something not common anymore really. The lesson began once Maddie took her seat and something surprising just happened..
"Would anyone like to tell me the ingredients to a love potion?" Slughorn asked hopeful. Just as I was about to raise my hand, someone beat me to it, I turned and it was Maddie.
"Yes! Maddie my dear, go ahead!" Slughorn said happily.
"Sir, the known ingredients are ashwinder egg, rose thorns, peppermint, and powered moonstone." She began but added, "but sir it has some side effects; the drinker remembers being under the potions influence and typically left embarrassed because of the potent and obvious effects of the potion on the drinker." She stated thoughtfully.
"Wonderful, Ms. Sange! 15 points to Slytherin!" He said happily.
"Now can anymore tell me what the potion does?"
I rose my hand quickly.
"Yes! Mr. riddle" he glorified.
"The love potion sir, causes any drinker to become infatuated with the giver of the potion. Allowing the giver to pretty much be control of the takers thoughts and actions." I stated a matter of fact.
"Good! Mr. riddle! 10 points to Slytherin!" He stated, "slytherin snare sure going to win the house cup this year with these 2 students!" He yelled pointing a Maddie and I. Obviously, no other bloody idiot gives a crap about succession. After class I quickly paced out of class and headed to the room of aquirements to think. Maddie keeps distracting me.. I must do what I need to do before something happened I regret. I need to kill her.

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