Official "first" day

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I felt like a first year again, all the side glances and weird looks like you were some sort of mutant. Even though this felt different, maybe good, but I wasn't sure. This is a whole different school, even though this was Hogwarts, I don't know a single person not even any teachers besides Dumbledore and Slughorn. I made my way, quietly and slowly as possible to a open seat in the hall for breakfast, even though I really wasn't hungry and would probably throw this up later, I needed to eat. I sat and started to eat, alone obviously. I was in the middle of biting into my bacon when A thump besides me startled me. I looked quickly startled by the sudden movement and saw a girl.
"Hello!" She said quickly. "You must be the new girl everyone's talking about! No wonder they are, you're beautiful. I mean I didn't just sit here because of that but I was wondering if-" she continued her rant, quickly. Very talkative person... I took this time to look at her. She was a tall girl, probably 5'8" and had straight brown hair and hazel eyes, she had a grin on her face and tan skin. She was very pretty, she's probably popular.
"Hello." I said after she had finished.
"I'm Maddie." I stuck my hand out.
"Oh, love I know that. Everyone knows that!" She yelled the last part a little louder than before.
"Really..." I began "but I.." I stared.
"You're what?" She said. "Gorgeous? And NEW!" "There are hardly never any new students besides first years! It's so cool!" She smiled.
"Ohh.." I added after. "That's nice." I said quietly.
"It is, now finish eating I need to show your around!" She stated. I nodded turning and began to eat. She pulled my schedule from out my robe pocket quickly and Began to read it aloud.
"Potions first." She began. "WE HAVE THAT CLASS together" she yelled but got quieter when people began to stare.
She just say the schedule down after that.
After breakfast we began to walks to the potions class, which surprisingly is in the same place as before, or later? Whatever. We walked in and sat down, people began to swarm in sitting in random seats. That's when he walked in, Tom. If I thought he was good looking then, then I was wrong. His robes seem to fit his body like a glove, his dark brown hair combed nicely to the side and his eyes, his blue eyes I could see from here they were gorgeous. He turned his head and i swore I saw a look I never had seen before, his face showed no emotion but his eyes... That was a different story.

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