Chapter Forty-Nine: Avalyn

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A gentle, warm touch brushes against my cheek, stirring me from my slumber. I don't think I've slept as well as this in what feels like forever. I groan, rolling onto my side, but the touches only grow more insistent, spreading across my face, throat, shoulders, and back- everywhere all at once.

The sensation is so heavenly it jolts me awake almost instantly. Two separate sets of lips on my skin- something I shouldn't be feeling. Before I can react, Cierien's hands wrap around me, holding me in place. My eyes barely have time to adjust to the light as he leans in to kiss me. Instinctively, I swat him away, our lips barely brushing before he takes the hint and pulls back.

"Wrath gets a kiss, but not me?" he teases, his voice light and playful.

He leans in further, attempting to connect our lips once more, but I instinctively snap my hand over his mouth, listening intently for any sign of the others being awake- especially Aren. The house is silent, and I breathe a sigh of relief, quickly pushing myself upright.

Desperate hands grasp at me, trying to pull me back, but I have to reach the living room before Aren wakes up. We need to have that conversation, but I can't bear the thought of him waking up alone, consumed by worry. Whatever happened last night, whether it qualifies as a mistake or not, felt right then. But now, as the morning sun streams in, the possibility of hurting Aren eats at me like a relentless ache. Imagining the pain etched in his eyes is a torment I can't bear to face.

Wrath's presence envelops me like a shroud, his breath warm against the nape of my neck as he tugs me against his chest, a tangible sensation that electrifies my senses. I shudder as Cierien joins in, crowding my front and trapping me in their embrace.

Wrath's arms envelop my midsection, while Cierien's arms extend lower, encircling us both. Their combined hold feels almost suffocating, an attempt to ensnare me, and a part of me acknowledges that I shouldn't desire this entrapment. Yet, despite my reservations, I find myself yearning for it nonetheless.

For a fleeting moment, I allow myself to revel in the closeness, the warmth radiating from their touch. But it's short-lived, fleeting like a passing breeze.

Frantically, I struggle against their hold until I manage to wriggle free. They seem to find amusement in the way I scramble out of bed, nearly tripping over my feet. Their laughter echoes from behind as I approach the door.

"Avalyn, you can't run from us," Wrath's voice carries a stern tone, but the mischievous glint in his eyes betrays his facade.

"I'm not," I retort, the words sharper than intended as I pull the door open.

And I don't... run, but I do speed walk the fuck out of there.

Their soft laughter follows me as I quietly shut the door. Tiptoeing into the living room, I make every effort to muffle my footsteps, ensuring silence envelops my movements. Relief washes over me as I see Sophie's eyes remain shut, undisturbed in her slumber. However, that relief quickly dissipates when I notice Aren, propped up on his elbows, his gaze following my every step with unwavering focus as I draw nearer.

I suck in a deep breath, attempting to maintain a semblance of calmness, but under his scrutinizing gaze, it feels like I've committed the gravest of offenses, and perhaps, I have. "You didn't sleep here?" he asks, his tone more of a statement than a question.

He knows I didn't sleep here; he just wants me to admit it aloud. Slowly, I shake my head, feeling unsteady on my heels, instinctively crossing my arms over my chest for a sense of reassurance. His gaze lingers on me, his eyes scanning my form with a knowing intensity before he finally offers a small, understanding smile. "I took up the whole couch, didn't I?" he chuckles softly, rubbing at his eyes in a display of lingering drowsiness. "I'm sorry, sweet girl. You should have woken me up. I would have taken the floor in an instant."

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