Chapter Fifty-Seven: Wrath

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Avalyn shifts uncomfortably as Idalia finishes speaking. Her guilt is evident- I can see it in her eyes. She felt as though we were attacking her, and perhaps I was, at least a little. In her defensiveness, she deflected the blame. But she wasn't entirely wrong; this is something we should have known.

Idalia has a clear advantage in understanding how the headman operates, given that he's her father. Knowing this sooner would have been invaluable, perhaps even crucial. She should have shared this information earlier, shedding light on his methods and advising us on how to respond if we encountered him.

Avalyn had to navigate blindly in his presence, piecing together the truth on her own. My girl is smart, I'll give her that. But sometimes, she can be incredibly foolish. Risking my mother's life was beyond reckless. She's been irritated with me ever since I killed those guards, trying to convince herself it's the reason we're in this mess. I try not to take it to heart; deep down, she probably doesn't truly believe it's my fault. She's smart- just stubborn in her ways.

"I'm not giving up on this," Avalyn finally speaks, her voice steady and determined. "I think I can make this right. You've only made it clearer how desperately he wants this cure."

Again, stubborn.

"If what I told you has only fueled your desire for a faster death, then so be it," Idalia grits out, her shoulders sagging as she sinks back. "But Aren will not-"

"You don't get to decide for me, Idalia," Aren cuts in sharply. "I may be no help in assisting with taking Robert out, but I'm staying with her."

I've got to hand it to him; he's unwavering in his loyalty to my girl. Part of me, selfishly perhaps, wishes he had a touch of cowardice and followed Idalia's lead by fleeing. But his steadfast commitment to Avalyn speaks volumes, and I can't help but respect that sole part of him.

Idalia's expression twists with disappointment as she sucks her bottom lip between her teeth, shaking her head in dismay. "How tragic that after centuries of searching for you, you have chosen to blindly follow that foolish woman to her demise."

She doesn't wait for his response, reaching for her bag still resting on the couch. "I know a place where we can lay low for tonight- where all of you can hide out," she says, turning to Avalyn. "I'll make my departure in the morning."

"I... I want to come with you," Sophie starts, her words trembling softly. "I'm not cut out for this," she adds with a nervous chuckle, shaking her head. "I can't fight, and I'm not great at strategizing to take down an ancient vampire who wants us just as dead as we want him."

"I understand," Avalyn quickly interjects, reaching out to hold Sophie's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Idalia, would you-"

"I'll take her with me. Can't promise I'll prioritize her safety over mine, but I swear I won't get snappy with her neck again," Idalia replies with a hint of amusement in her tone.

Sophie lets out a soft snicker, clearly not offended by Idalia's words. "Thank you," she says, though I can't miss the eye roll accompanying her gratitude. "...I think."

"If I may, I'd also like to accompany both of you," my mother says, causing a pit to form in my stomach.

"What? Why?" I blurt out. "I can protect y-"

"Oh, Lucius," she chuckles. "I know, honey. But... I think I'd like some respite from all this horror. I trust that you can handle this- I'm sorry I cannot."

She meets Avalyn's eyes before mine, offering a soft smile and nod. When her gaze shifts to mine, tears well up in her eyes. She doesn't need to apologize; I understand completely. I would never blame her for needing some rest. I want my mother to find peace too. After everything she has been through, she deserves it. She shouldn't have to deal with this right now.

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