Chapter 31 - Back to school...

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Few more days passed since Haru visited Suki at home. The little girl felt better even if moving her arm was still painful.

Salvatore had introduced her to the female bodyguard that they hired for her, and even if she didn't think that it was necessary, she didn't say anything. For her, it was only a measure reassuring for her father. As Suki was still staying at home, the bodyguard worked as reinforcement to guard the house.

The previous day, Suki also met the physical therapist that would be in charge of her reeducation. The therapist was asked to come for one hour everyday. The first session was more a check-up session, to evaluate the work to do. She received the order to be careful with the little girl, as to not make things to painful for her.

In parallel, the nurse was now only coming once in the morning and once in the evening. Suki felt now really bored in the house. Her father and Gabriel tried to spend time with her during the day, but they were pretty busy, so she spent most of time alone.

It was now Thursday evening. The entire family was gathered for dinner. Suki had taken off the brace to maintain her arm, following the advice of the therapist, to little by little, let her arm finding back his mobility. Of course, she had to be careful in her movements.

The little girl was not a big fan of the school, even if she liked to study, so she found the courage to ask her father the permission to start to return to school when Salvatore asked her about her day.

Salvatore: Suki, how was your session with your therapist today?

Suki: It was good, she is very soft... euh... Otô-san... (Everyone stared at her, and she blushed, feeling their heavy gazes on her.)

Salvatore: Yes, what's wrong?

Suki: ... Nothing is wrong... it's just... I... I want to go back to school.

Vito: You're stuttering just to ask to go to school? Such an idiot...

Gabriel: Vito! (He badly glared at him.) Suki, isn't it too soon?

Dante: I agree! You arm is not healed yet.

Gianni: You can't even lift a glass of water with the state of your arm, what the rush to go to school?

Suki didn't expect to be interrogated that much by her brothers for a simple request like that. She was starring at her father, waiting for his answer. Enzo, who was usually on her side, once again pleaded for her cause.

Enzo: She is stuck at home since almost 2 weeks, none of you would have stay in place for so long!

Davide: It's not like she has anything else to do or anyone to see...

Salvatore: Suki, I am not sure that rushing your return to school is a good idea. What if someone bumps into your arm in a corridor?

Suki: I will be careful... And there is only one day left before the weekend.

Dante: A better reason to stay at home! (She looked at him and he kept his serious gaze on her until she looked away.)

Salvatore: Listen, let's wait until Monday. Depending on the therapist's opinion, you can go back to school next week. Okay?

Suki: (She nodded.) Thank you.

Vito:Everyone tries to avoid school except you... you're reallyweird...

The dinner continued with a silent Suki. After they were done, she directly went to her room with a piano sheet. She couldn't play for now, but she could still learn a little with theory. 

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