Chapter 24

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"This is Randolph Road, right there" Lucas said. We were sitting on the ground as we made a triangle of sticks. On his right ride he drew a line down saying what Randolph road was. "The fence starts here, and goes all the way around. And this is the lab" Lucas said as he took an old can and place it at the top inside of the triangle. "The gates gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be" Lucas told us.

"Well, who owns Hawkins Lab?" Dustin asked.

"The sign says Department of Energy'." Lucas remembered.

"Department of Energy? What do you think that means?" Dustin asked us.

"It means government. Military." I said as I recalled having told tell Mike and I one time.

"Then why does it say 'Energy'?" Dustin asked me.

"Trust me, all right?" I told him with a nodd.

"It's military. Our dad told us before" Mike said backing me up.

"Twins are right. There's soldiers out front" Lucas said with a serious look on his face.

"Do they make lightbulbs or something?" Dustin asked us. I rolled my eyes at how unserious he is taking this.

"No, fight the Russians and commies and stuff." I said to him.

"Weapons" Lucas said again.

"Oh, Jesus, this is bad." Dustin said as he started to freak out.

"Really bad. The place is like a fortress." Lucas described to us.

"Well, what do we do?" Dustin asked the question on all of our heads.

"I don't know" Mike said.

"We can't go home" I added as I knew they know where we lived.

"We're fugitives now" Mike told us. I felt a weird feeling hang in the air.

I heard a weird noise. It sounded like a helicopter. I looked up and there was one approaching.

"Guys?" Dustin asked as we all followed his eyes at them sky. "Do you hear that?" He asked us.

We watched for a couple of seconds before it came closer and closer to us. Was it here for us?

"Go, go, go, go!" Mike shouted as we got up to not stick around and find out.

"Come on, come on!" Dustin shouted at us as we put the bikes under the broken down bus.

"It's stuck" Dustin said as he couldn't push out his bike in.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Mike rushed them as Lucas went down to help.

"Hurry up! Hurry, come on!" I screamed at them as a stood right infront of the bus. I impatiently watched the helicopter come near us.

"Come on!" Lucas said as he grabbed Dustin.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dustin rushed us as we piled up into the bus.

"Get down!" I yelled at them as we made it to the back of the bus. We all went and sat at the floor hiding behind the only few seats left. We heard the helicopter buzzing over us. My heart was beating out of my chest. There is no way that they saw us right?

"Mental" Dustin said, I looked over at him.


We were sitting there after the helicopter passed. We didn't want to get out in fear that it would come back. We had no idea what it would do to us if it did see us.

"Mike? Are you there? Y/n?" I heard quietly on a radio,

"You guys hear that?" I asked them. I quickly grabbed Mikes back pack and opened  it up.

"Twins, it's me, Nancy" I heard the radio say. "Y/n? Are you there? Answer. "Twins, we need you to answer?"

"Is that your sister?" Lucas asked us.

"This is an emergency, Twins. Do you copy? Twins, do you copy?" Nancy said on the radio. She seemed really frustrated. We sat around listening to her pleas.

"Okay, this is really weird" Dustin said.

Lucas grabbed the walkie but I held it back down. "Don't answer" I said to him quickly.

"She said it was an emergency" Lucas argued with me.

"What if it's a trick?" Mike asked him.

"It's your sister!" Lucas told us.

"What if those bad people kidnapped her?" I asked him as I thought about what they might do to her.

"What do they are forcing her to say this?" Mike said backing me up.

"I need you to answer." Nancy pleaded against

"It's like Lando Calrissian. Don't answer" Dustin said, I nodded my head in agreement.

"We need to know that you're there, Twins." Nancy said before it witched to a man's voice. "Listen kids, this is the chief" We all looked up at eachother. "If you're there, pick up" He told us. "We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl."

"Why is she with the chief?" Lucas asked.

"How the hell does he know about..." Dustin referencing El.

"We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over." Hopper said. He said over. I don't think he is lying to us at all. He seemed pretty serious. I looked over at Mike and he handed me the walkie.

"Yeah, I copy" I said with a sigh. If this blows up in our face and we make it out alive I'm going to kill Nancy. "It's Y/n, and Mikes here. We're here." I said as I looked around to all of my friends with me.

We told Hopper where we were and he said he was going to get us as soon as he could. We sat there and waiting. I picked at the skin of my fingers nail as we patiently waited.

It seemed like he was never going to get us. Or that this was all a weird plan to get Eleven back to the bad guys and they were working against us. I put my head in my hands trying not to think about that. That's the worst possible scenario that could have ever happened. Please don't be a trick.

Girl Afraid (Dustin Henderson x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant