Chapter 3

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"Guys, why am I here?" I groaned as I went afterschool with Dustin and Lucas to still spy on the poor girl.

"Because, if you're here we can justify you because you're a girl and it won't be as creepy" Lucas explained. I rolled my eyes and leaned over the car we were spying at her.

"Still  no sign?" Dustin asked. We were waiting by the arcade to see if she would ever go in.

"Jack shit" Lucas said as he scanned the place with his binoculars.

"Oh! Damn it. My moms gonna murder me" Dustin said as he checked his watch.

"So go home. I'll radio if she comes" Lucas said to him.

"Oh yeah, nice try. You just want me out of here so you can make your move" Dustin said. I felt like I was just punched in my stomach.

"Oh, cause you're such a threat" Lucas said, normally I would laugh but right now I felt like I was going to throw up.

"That's right. She will not be able to resist these pearls" Dustin said as he made a purring sound. "Ten o'clock. Ten o'clock" Dustin repeated.

"What?" Lucas asked him.

All of the sudden we saw a car drive really fast into an empty parking lot. Max got out and you could tell they were arguing but who knew what.

"They're arguing. They're arguing" Lucas repeated.

"Oh, my god. I see that. I don't even know why you need those" Dustin said to Lucas. "God, you're so stupid" He mumbled.

Max slammed the car door just as whoever in the car was about to drive off. She flipped the person in the car the bird and walked inside the arcade.

We walked inside the arcade to get a better look. Max was palying dig dug, and she was pretty good I'll give her that.

"She's incredible" Lucas said as we stopped watching and walked away a bit.

"She's..." Dustin trailed off.

"Mad Max" They both said at the same time. I rolled my eyes. I really did not want to be here. But it felt weird ditching them. But I didn't like to feel I was second best to Dustin. It hurt and I just wanted to go home and die.


When I got home it was dinner time and we were sitting at the dining room table, minus Nancy. No idea where she was.

"After dinner, I want you guys to pick out your toys for the yard sale." Mom instructed us.

"Fine" Mike said to her.

"Two boxes worth each" Mom said to us. I looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Two boxes? I asked her.

"You heard me" Mom said. I groaned and leaned back in my chair.

"We're fine with you giving away a couple, but the other ones have way to much emotional value" Mike told her.

"Emotional value?" Mom asked us.

"They're hunks of plastic, Twins" Dad said to us as he contained eating.

"You already took away my Atari!" Mike said to mom.

"Didn't wanna loose more toys, you shouldn't have stolen from Nancy" Mom told us.

"Oh my god, she can get over it" I said as I was really starting to get mad. She was always such a stick up asshole 24/7.

"We didn't steal. We borrowed" Mike corrected.

"Oh, and you two didn't curse our Mr. Kowalski last week either, right?" Mom asked us. "Oh, you Mike plagiarize that essay and Y/n graffiti the bathroom stall?"

"Everyone graffiti's the bathroom stall" I said to them as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"So if your friend jumps off a cliff, you're gonna jump, too?" Dad asked me, I rolled my eyes at them, what does that have to do with anything?

"We know you've two had a hard year. But we've been patient. This isn't stork one. This isn't even struck three." Mom said.

"It's strike 20. You're both on the bench, kids" Dad told us. "And if it been my coach, you'd guys be lucky to be on the team." I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Two boxes. Two." Mom told us sternly.


We were in our basement figuring out what toys can go or stay. This was stupid and I definitely did not want to be doing this right now. Every toy I look at I think off all the fun times with it and I can't.

Mike was throwing away random stuff. He was pissed off and I don't think he even cared anymore. He didn't want to talk and k knew he didn't. Every toy he had reminded him of Eleven.

I watched as Mike moved to sit under the tent and contained to speak through the radio.

"El, are you there? El?" Mike called. Of course there was no response. Only static. "It's me, it's Mike. It's day 352, 7:40 p.m. I'm still here. If you're out there, say something. Or give me a sign. I won't even say anything. Just... I wanna know if you're okay." Mike said through the radio. Just static was the only response.

I looked down and threw another action figure in the box. I knew how and this hurt him and I just didn't know what to say or do.

"I'm so stupid" Mike mumbled as he got up from the tent.

"No your not" I mumbled back to him.

"Mike" It was a distorted voice. Creepy even. I looked at him with wide eyes. Mike ran back to the tent.

"Mike?" It said again. The voice was familiar, it wasn't Eleven.

"Hello? Is that you?" Mike said through the radio. I walked over to hear a little better.

"Yeah, it's me, Dustin" I sighed a little. "What're you doing in this channel again?" Dustin asked. "Oven been trying to reach you guys all day. We were right. Max is Mad Max." I groaned a little at how they were still upset.

"Yeah, I'm busy" Mike tried to say. I know he didn't care at all.

"But... wait. I have a question. Is Y/n okay? She seemed off" Dustin said. I rolled my eyes and got up and left the room.

Why can't he just ask me? Why does he have to go through Mike, maybe if he didn't just ditch me like that. I woudjnt feel upset or mad at him.


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