Ignoring him

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Chapter 29

Neil was lying on his bed uncomfortably as his back was aching very badly when he heard someone entering.

"Neil, what happened to you ? Avni said that you needed my help?" Ruhani asked, seeing him lying like that.

"Nothing, I just fell. Anyways I called you to give this." He said, forwarding her the a small pendrive.

"What's this ? For such a small thing, you disturbed my sleep?" She said.

"Well, this is what you were searching for the last 5 yrs. "He said, standing up from the bed, making her smile brightly.

"Did you get the information about him? " She asked, making him nod, but hearing his next sentence, her smile turned into sadness.

"He is in coma, from last 5 yrs," He said, making her cry.

"It...it..can't be possible," She mumbled, crying while leaning on him.

"Everything will be alright , I am with you. " He said, caressing her hair. All this was watched by Avni, who was going to enter inside but stopped hearing him.

She went from there, not wanting to listen to anything further.

"Thanx," Ruhani said, breaking the hug when she heard him groaning.

"Should I apply it for you?" She asked, pointing toward the balm, making him shake his head.

"I will do it myself , you go and rest, I have organised my jet for you tomorrow. " he said, making her nod.

"Okay, have a good night. " She said before leaving, making him nod.

The next morning, everyone were sitting on the dining table having their breakfast.

Neil was sitting uncomfortably as his back was paining too much.

"Neil, how's your back pain now?" Ruhani asked slowly, but unfortunately, Nityam, who was beside her ,heard it.

"Brother, what happened to you?" Nityam asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"There is nothing to worry about , I am okay. " Neil said, glaring him.

"Grand daughter in law , after breakfast, come to my room. I have a special medicine for it. Apply it to him. Okay, " Bebe said, knowing her grandson well, making her glance at him before nodding.

"Okay, bebe," Avni said.
"Don't worry, I have arranged everything there. My men's are already there waiting for you. And if you need anything just order them. " Neil said, standing near the balcony looking at the garden.

"I know," Ruhani mumbled while sitting on the couch place there.

"You are..." he was going to say something but was stopped hearing someone.

"Here , take it. Your bebe gave it. " Avni said , coming to Neil's balcony where they both were.

"I should be leaving," Ruhani said, getting up from the couch, not wanting to interfere between them, making him nod. Then she left from there.

"Don't you know that you should come after knocking?" He said, turning toward Avni.

"I myself don't have any interest in coming here. I just came here to give you this. " Avni said, keeping the meds on the table and going to turn but stopped hearing him.

"Why did you leave last night?" He asked, making her stop in her pace.

So he did see me.

"I dont know what you are talking about? " She replied, facing her back toward him.

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