Part 32

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A while later, you woke up to someone gently shaking your shoulders, trying to wake you.
"Wake up baby" You heard the deep voice of your boyfriend which made you wake up immediately.
"Are we already there??" You asked in a sleepy voice as your eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light of the sun.
Niki nodded his head as he intertwined your left hand tight in his hand but not too tight to hurt you.
He led the way out the bus still holding your hand as if he never wanted to let you go.

"Everyone! We are going inside the Museum now , so please be quiet in there unless you wanna get kicked out" Your teacher said as everyone immediately fell into a quiet silence just like how the teacher wanted.
After everyone was completely silent , the teacher led the way to the entrance of the museum where they showed the entrance ticket to the ticket attendant for the whole class before the attendant let you go inside.

After entering the museum , you explored all kinds of arts there especially the Mona Lisa art you wanted to see for a long time.

<<Time skip>>
It's already nighttime , you spent the daytime by visiting the Musée du Louvre and exploring the city itself too.
But now you were getting ready to go out for a walk with Niki since he asked you about it earlier and since it was a bit more chilly outside than earlier , you decided to wear a hoodie.
You opened your suitcase to take a hoodie out , then you spotted a black one.
You wore the hoodie without realising it was a hoodie your browed from Niki once until you checked yourself on the mirror, it still looked really good on you but it was noticeable that it originally belonged to Niki.
Well since you were wearing his hoodie , that meant you belonged to him anyway.
"I am his and only his." You smiled at the thought.

You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and wore your shoes before leaving the room , then the building itself.
You met with him at the front of the hotel building , he was waiting for you while admiring the night sky.
To greet him again , you gave him a tight back hug , the hug was familiar to him and he knew exactly that it was you , the person he cannot imagine his life without.

He turned around to face you as he hugged you back by your waist.
"I missed you~" he said in a soft voice.
"Awh it's only been a few hours" You smiled at his adorable and clingy side.
"Still , I cannot stay a long time without you being right by my side" He spoke with a pout while breaking the hug as he intertwined your hands together just like in the morning.
"You are so cute!!" You said pinching his nose not being available to resist the cute side of him.
Your actions seemed to be taking him by shock and leading him to blush. It was rare to see him blush since it was always him who would make someone blush , that someone being you.

He pecked your lips as you two started to walk around the dark city with beautiful lights almost everywhere giving it a romantic vibe.
You explored the city once again but together with niki , especially at nighttime felt more special than the one in the morning with your whole class.

You swinged his hand on yours like a little girl holding her dad's hand while roaming around the park.
You admired the view of the Paris cityscape surrounding you together with the love of your life.

"OMG , A CAT!!!" You got even more excited than you already were when you noticed a cat walking on the sidewalk all alone.
Niki chuckled at your childish behaviour , finding it adorable as you walked towards the little cute creature and patting its head which the cat surprisingly reacted well back with.
A few moments later the cat continued to walking to the destination it was heading to leaving you a bit sad.
"Awh don't be sad , she probably has a family to be with!" Niki ruffled your hair a bit to lift up your mood again.
His words led you to smile happily again lifting your mood as you held his hand once again swinging it around the air.

After about 7 minutes of walking around the city , you suddenly found yourself infront of the Eiffel Tower again but this time with someone you truly loved.
"Look at the lights" Niki spoke pointing at the lights shining around the Eiffel tower's structure.
"They are so pretty!!" You said.
"You are prettier" Niki added making you feel flustered.
"Shut uppp" You giggled blushing.
"Why? Can't I call my soon to be wife pretty?" He pouted making your heart melt with love.
"YAHHH I am not your wife yet!!" You spoke with a shy smile.
"Says who?" He added and just at that moment , he got on one knee...
He searched for something in his jacket's pocket , bringing out a small luxurious looking crimson red box.
You didn't know what to think of the situation anymore , it felt like a dream but it was reality and something you've been waiting for.

"From enemies to partners in a fake relationship, Yn Nomura, my heart found its way to yours. Will you marry me?" He proposed opening the small box showing a shining diamond ring displayed in the middle.
Your eyes got teary as you got emotional.
"Nishimura Riki, my love, from the moment our paths crossed as enemies to becoming partners in a fake relationship, little did I know that I had already fallen for you since our first meeting. Now, my heart is deeply in love with you, and I eagerly say yes—I am willing to marry you." You answered tearing up with tears of joys as Niki stood up from his pose and immediately grabbed you into his embrace.
"I love you Nishimura Yn" He confessed making you feel way more loved than you ever been till this day.
"I love you too Nishimura Riki" You confessed back as your lovestory began to get deeper form this moment.

~ The end of 'Rivals to lovers'

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