chapter 658

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Jeremy considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, I think you're right. But if there is anything else you know, Elsa, please tell me, love."

Elsa nodded reluctantly. "Okay, Jeremy. If there is anything else I'll let you know as soon as possible."

As Elsa turned to leave, George reached out and grasped her arm. "Elsa, wait. If Anastasia really is behind all of this, then you're automatically off the suspect list, right? I mean, you just saved my life. There's no way you could have been the one who poisoned the old master."

Elsa offered him a small smile. "I appreciate you saying that, George. But the investigation is still ongoing, and we can't rule anything out just yet."

With that, Elsa made her way to the old master's room, her mind racing with the implications of what had just happened. As she approached the door, she saw that Lorna, one of the maids, was standing guard outside.

"Elsa," Lorna said, her expression troubled. "I'm glad you're alright. I heard about the explosion. Are you and George both okay?"

Elsa nodded. "We're shaken, but unharmed. Lorna, have you seen Ashley? I want to speak to her."

Lorna's brow furrowed. "Ashley? Why do you want to talk to her?"

Elsa hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "I'm just trying to gather as much information as possible about what happened to the Old Master master. Ashley was in the house too, so she might have some insights."

Lorna's expression darkened. "Elsa, are you trying to insinuate that Ashley had something to do with the old master's poisoning? Because I can assure you, she would never do something like that. Ashley is one of the most loyal and dedicated members of my family. She cares about the old master as much as any of us."

Elsa raised her hands in a placating gesture. "I'm not accusing anyone, Lorna. I'm just trying to follow the investigation where it leads. I know Ashley is a trusted niece of yours, but we can't rule anything out just yet."

Lorna pursed her lips, clearly unhappy with Elsa's response. "Well, you can know that if you want to speak with Ashley, you'll have to do it over my dead body. I won't allow anyone to harass one of my niece without just cause."

Elsa sighed, sensing that further discussion would be fruitless. "Alright, Lorna. Whatever you say."

With that, Elsa turned and made her way to the old master's room, her mind heavy with the weight of the day's events. As she pushed open the door, she couldn't help but wonder what other secrets might be lurking within the walls of this house.

The next day, Elsa received a surprising phone call. It was the organizers of the prestigious design competition she had entered, informing her that she had passed the initial round and would need to be evaluated in person before the finals, which would be held at the Serpens Museum.

Elsa's heart leapt with excitement, but also a twinge of trepidation. With the old master's illness and the recent attempt on George's life, she wasn't sure if she could afford the time to focus on the competition. Still, this could be a chance to get to Anastasia, and she knew she couldn't let it slip through her fingers.

Steeling herself, Elsa made the decision to move forward with the competition, even in the midst of the ongoing turmoil. She would need to balance her responsibilities at the estate with the demands of the competition, but she was determined to give it her all to get to that stage and get to Anastasia.

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