chapter 662

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Lorna peered cautiously around the tree trunk, praying she wouldn't be spotted. Through the gloom, she could just make out the man's silhouette, the beam of his flashlight sweeping back and forth as he searched the area. Lorna's breath caught in her throat as she glimpsed the menacing glint of the butcher's knife in his other hand.

The man had a crazed, almost feral look in his eyes that Lorna feared the most in that moment. She could feel the pure, unadulterated malice radiating from him, a tangible force that threatened to crush the life from her very bones. This was no mere criminal, no ordinary killer - this was a true psychopath, a predator who took twisted pleasure in the suffering of his victims.

Lorna hugged her knees to her chest, biting down hard on her lower lip to keep from whimpering. If this man caught her, he would show her no mercy. She knew with absolute certainty that he would kill her, and in the most brutal, agonizing way possible. Lorna's mind raced, desperately searching for any means of escape or salvation, but the oppressive darkness and the relentless downpour offered no answers, no hope.

"Lorna! Today is the day the daughter-in-law of the rich and prestigious Callahan family dies..." the man bellowed, his voice dripping with sadistic glee. "But I can spare your life if you don't keep getting me angry by hiding from me and making me chase after you..."

Lorna's heart sank as she realized this was more than just a random act of violence. Somehow, this madman had been hired, contracted to end her life. The knowledge that someone had put a price on her head, that they wanted her dead so badly they were willing to employ a cold-blooded killer, only heightened Lorna's sense of dread and hopelessness.

"Come out, sweetheart, maybe I'll let you live if you come out right now," the man taunted. "You don't know how I feel about playing hide and seek, don't you? It makes me angry! And you don't want me to get angry, do you?"

Lorna bit down harder on her lip, tasting the metallic tang of blood. As the man's heavy footsteps crunched closer, she squeezed her eyes shut, silently pleading with the gods to somehow spare her life. She thought of her beloved son Jeremy, the rest of her family, and the agony they would feel if she never made it home. The mere thought of never seeing them again was almost too much to bear.

Mustering every ounce of willpower, Lorna tried to quiet her ragged breathing, praying the man would simply pass her by. But deep down, she knew it was only a matter of time before he discovered her hiding place. She needed to find the strength to flee, to at least try and reach help before it was too late. As the sounds of his approaching footsteps grew ever closer, Lorna steeled her nerves, ready to make a desperate, last-ditch dash for survival.

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