chapter 691

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Over the next few days, the final details of the plan were discussed in a meeting with the FBI director and the Callahan and McConnell family. Elsa and Jeremy sat side-by-side, their fingers intertwined, as the director laid out the full scope of the mission.

"We have solid intel that Anastasia will be present at the contest with her best soldiers and operatives," the director explained, his brow furrowed with tension. "This is our best chance to apprehend her and her entire network of criminal associates." He paused, meeting each of their gazes solemnly. "But we're going to need your full cooperation to pull this off."

Elsa felt her heart pounding in her chest. The thought of coming face-to-face with that wretched woman again filled her with a mix of fear and righteous fury. She squeezed Jeremy's hand, drawing strength from his steadfast presence. "Whatever you need us to do, we're here," she said, her voice resolute.

The director nodded, pulling out a series of files and diagrams. "Here's the plan..." As he laid out the intricate strategy, Elsa listened intently, her mind already whirring with contingencies and possibilities. This was their chance to finally bring Anastasia to justice, to reclaim the peace and security that had been stolen from them.

Anastasia was apparently very dangerous and the FBI have been trying to get her for so many years but they never had a way penetrate through and get to her.

In the following days, Elsa threw herself into the preparations, pouring her heart and soul into perfecting her contest design. She wanted it to be a masterpiece - a defiant declaration of her family's resilience in the face of darkness. Each stitch, each carefully placed embellishment, was imbued with her determination. She wasn't going to give a lucklester design just because this was a mission.

Yet, even as she worked tirelessly, a nagging worry tugged at the back of her mind. Lui had gone completely silent, unresponsive to her increasingly frantic attempts to reach him. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

"I'm sure he's just busy with his own preparations," Jeremy would murmur, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "You know how he gets. Don't worry, love, I'm sure he's fine."

But Elsa couldn't help the gnawing anxiety that kept her up at night, her thoughts racing. What if Anastasia had somehow hurt him? What if he was in danger because of their plan? What if Anastasia leaned that Lui was the one who helped her help her Callahans and protect them from danger? Would she actually hurt her own son? No, right?

She cursed herself for not being able to get to Lui and save him. He protected them but he was still in danger.

As the day of the contest drew nearer, the tension in the Erikson household was palpable. Elsa could see it in the tightness around Jeremy's eyes, the way he would sometimes pause mid-sentence, lost in thought. Even little Braden, bless his heart, seemed to sense the unease, clinging a little closer to his parents.

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