Reviews from the Six: "Break up"

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Reviews from the Six will be a segment when I review and comment on old crap that I wrote. This may be funny or terrible.

This is the time...I don't even know what happened but I wrote it. 😂


Well ,you know when your on the rollarcoaster and it takes 2 church services up that hill to get to the top? It's bumpy and irritating then at the highest point and you make a little stop and everything is beautiful and clear then it goes down crashing into the depths of Tartus, then the ride end at a fast halt. ( < ok, thats a lie it slows down but I guess I needed an analogy)

Then you get off all dazed. Yeah I'm still try to figure out where heartbroken fits in that comparison. (Trust me, I am too.) I was just on Cloud 9 , happy as Kel in Good Burger.

Yeah, I know we weren't perfect and we had cracks but never did I assume we'd fall this quick. It wasn't like the 'break up' didn't make sense because it did but that doesn't take the pain out of it. Its like when you stub your pinky toe and you don't feel it at first but then, all pain comes rushing moments later. (I just cringed. Most excruciating pain.)

That's me. I SURVIVED Day 1 Day 2 and Day 3 but I woke up this morning and felt like crying and I saw his Kik picture with him and my baby (his sister) and do you people know how hard it was not to text him, not to get one of my friends to text him to see if he regretted our "breakup" too. (The fact that I said "SURVIVED" and the other fact that I actually used to have my friends text guys I liked to get information about me.) If you ever fall in love with your best friend ,YOU BETTER GET RIGHT BACK UP, because when you break up it's harder to not talk because you wanna talk to them about how you feel.
All my friends think we will be back together.

( Girl. That was not love. That was middle school infatuation.)

Day 1 without him wasn't bad because this guy I knew messaged me on Facebook and he distracted me from my loss (< so dramatic ) .He made me laugh, he made me feel beautiful, we talked from 7 pm at night to 5 in the morning . (Honestly, guys that is so unhealthy, it's cute and all but when you have school or a job ,that's not only physically unhealthy it's mentally unhealthy. You should not be spending every second of you day consumed with your SO or rebound. Especially during sleeping time ,you need that. Liah's healthy lesson for the year.)

But he wasn't him...we didn't have the same jokes as him. I didn't tell rebound dude about Wattpad because he thinks it's for geeks and don't get me wrong I'm not ashamed of Wattpad, I love you guys and this app but right now I have no one. So what ever I can be or do to have this temporary pain reliever, I will . It was like a book I recently finished the female lead fell in love with her best friend but things got complicated and they broke it off and she married this guy because he did her right and she loved him for how he fixed her heart. He wasn't perfect ....far from it he just talked to her and comforted her and loved her even when he didn't get any back . He was always gone,always drunk ,and never remember their anniversary. But the new dude healed her and in the end he healed her and matured her so she would be ready to get back with her love and make it forever. (Girl. That book was deep highkey but totally not relevant to you. Shut up. Middle schoolers.)

Cam* (rebound) isn't my ideal man and he isn't a 'good boy' .He has slept with numerous girls and had a unlimited number of girlfriends ,he has smoked and drank and snuck out ,attempted to run away name it he has done it. But he has also saved me from self destruction. (< omg that was not true guys I wasn't that bad) He isn't perfect I know that and he can't replace him.But I'll be his trap queen to fill the void. ( I'm done with myself, if I don't get my ole, woe is me, all my life I had to fight, sisters act looking self ON SOMEWHERE!)

'Him' was a blessing and a curse because when I look at him...memories and feelings flood in. I feel his touch again I feel the pull that I had when ever we close or how is hugs felt .

Omg this sounds so sobby and sad. (No, not sad and sobby, Liah, it sounds pathetic.) But hey I'm writing this to tell a story and to hope have you guys connect to something .

Every step of the way I will share if I can because hell is crashing on me and not just because of this "break up" but of my parents too and my friends ....I hope I'm not like this forever not confused, depressed, annoying, and heartbroken.

D*mn, you guys just don't know how much I loved that boy I keep coming back to him because .....I would've  gotten a tattoo of his name. ( < My dad says if you loved someone truly you'd get a tattoo of that persons name where its visible. I wouldn't have done that for him ,I lied.) But hey what do you expect, he was my Augustus Waters. He still hasn't Read The Fault In Out Stars I wish he would though.

Maybe I should make a Imagines book with him haha no I'm kidding I'm not crazy like that. I just know I miss my boo and my baby, his sister, I hope he ain't tell them. (Girl his family never knew or cared about you. You straight sad, bro.)

Okay, I need to get my life .

Btw he doesn't get the cigarette metaphor Augustus oh so loved!!!! How can you not. My love is weird.

Ok, on the side is the song, Not About Angel which I'm sure you know if you have seen The Fault In Our Stars. It's basically about love and she doesn't want her love to give up yet through the song she is distracting you by saying what about angels but then she says its not about angels referring to the song. I love this song it's one of my favorites.

Ok sorry guys Kja Out Peace.

Okayyy, so that was my first Review from the Six. It was sad, truly. All I have to say is, I know break ups are hard and all that but trust me it gets better and when you are going through a 'heartbreak' write it down so you can look back and laugh at yourself . There is always someone who will love you and adore you. ME.

Have a nice day Royalz!

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Liah Out Peace ✌

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