.Just Me Talking.

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Disclaimer: I am Christian but I love everyone. This can be applied to anyone regardless of faith .

What is my purpose? This question is hard to answer when you haven't been taught how to answer it. Ever since my recovery, I have asked this question alot. I love people. I love having that connection with people and learning about them. I feel like my purpose is to be of a service to  people. I feel that my soul feeds off the happiness of others. I have always had the urge to heal people but not in the physical way. I feel the gargantuan science of a persons mental capability is so great that it is nearly impossible. I believe in the impossibles, I love the feeling that possibilities give. I love seeing people smile and have this intense connection with just a look.I love the way someones eyes can give . When I see pain, my heart tugs and my soul instantaneously feels that I must help. But that ties with me loving to know and help others understand. Now that doesn't necessarily mean that I am a teacher BUT I feel I can definitely be the bridge in someones life to happiness. I also believe God has put me through things so I have that experience to connect with people. I have been blessed with the gift of words to document and reach people because when people read something they process it differently than when they hear it. That's why I have been trying to write something serious and real so it can connect to people. I also like the humanity of my vision. I want my profession to be unworldly and connect to people on a soul level. I don't even want to be a sell-out. I want to be real and raw. That is the essence I want to give. It's so deep and emotional I can compare it to anything. When people ask me what do I want to be, I don't have a box to put it in. I want to be a real person and heal with my heart. I love so hard and care so deeply, to the point when I will want to absorb the pain of others to make it less. I also believe I have the gift of prophecy. The question is how do I make this a lifestyle, a profession. What is this thing I want to do...


That's me but what about you? Find what you love and what your passionate about. Once you find it make sure you come back to tell me. Love you Royalz.

Liah Out Peace ✌

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