Just Me Talking : Grief

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Hey Lovelys.

So I know I have been missing in action as a writer but I promise I will update soon, things have just been crazy. 

So just to hop on into this thing...

A friend of mine just died back in March from cancer. 

I haven't seen her in about a year and a half but I talked to her not too too long ago. I would use a alias for her but I feel like she deserves her name to still be spoken. Her name was Amethyst Grace and I have known her for a long time. I knew her from my old dance classes and then she played in the same basketball conference as my sister but I also attended summer camps with her. Basically, I have known her from a lot of different things. She was too cool and beautiful - oh my gosh when I tell you she slayed, she slayed. LONG pretty hair and smooth skin she could've gotten anyone even though she wasn't like that. She was holy with the light of God but fun. She was smart and all that. 

I found out last year she had cancer and then after that, everything went fast she had surgery and she had her leg amputated and everything but she always was smiling she had so much faith in God's will so she stayed positive. She just kept saying she couldn't wait to go back to basketball.

So, she got her prosthetic leg and went back to school this semester and she seemed FINE. 

Posting on snapchat and facebook tons and going places she was GOOD.

The towards the beginning of March it came back and she passed. 

I hate it because I thought of her the day before she passed. I was on the phone with my best friend and Amethyst popped in my head and I was like "I have to text my friend and see how she doing." and then two days later I wake up at noon and the first thing on Facebook is :

"RIP Pretty you fought strong" with Amethyst tagged. When I say I think my heart stopped. My breath caught and I jumped out my bed and went to her page. 

I started hyperventilating and I couldn't breath. 

My family is fortunate because we really haven't lost anyone really . Great uncle and aunts but they were never close. So, she was really the closest person I lost even though we weren't the best of friends and didnt talk everyday she was my friend that I had memories with. 

Today is her birthday. May 27th. She would've been 16.  Haven't cried yet but I think I'm about to writing this.

She is forever my nightingale. I love you Amethyst, rest easy babygirl.

Update on all stories coming soon.

Liah Out Peace ✌

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