July 5

17 1 0

Writing on the train trip.
Ba dum dum.
Might as well recount what happened today, which was tiring but awesome.
Pat and Justice slept in the room beside us, and somehow managed to creep in.
"RISE AND SHINE EVERYBODY!" Justice yelled as Pat pulled off the covers.
"AHHHH!!!" I screeched as the foggy but bright light contacted my eyes and the cool, damp air touched my skin. Surprisingly, Luke just curled into a ball and muttered "No," before falling back asleep.
I marvel at his ability to fall asleep at will. Pure magic.
I suppose that he was totally ok with this happening because he grew up with them. I didn't meet these people til fourth grade.
Pat doesn't stop at pulling the blankets. She reaches over and tickles the bottom of Luke's foot, where he's super sensitive.
That's the closest way to phrase what he sounded like.
Finally, Luke gave up. He sat up, disgruntled and bleary eyed while hugging his pillow.
"What time is it?" He demanded, except he slurred his words so it was more of an angry mumble of nonsense.
"Ten o'clock," Justice said, straight-faced.
"Really?" I checked the clock, panicked. "No, it isn't."
I felt a hand clamp onto my shoulder.
"You, my friend, have a lot to learn," Luke said, managing to properly enunciate every word.
The tricksters eventually left the room, (ok, they might have been forced out, but we really needs to get going to where we wanted to get to), and we changed into the coolest clothing that we had so humidity wouldn't have as much of an affect on us.
At the moment, it was actually eight thirty, which should give us enough time actually do stuff. For breakfast, we had some apples and, to Justice and Luke's absolute delight, there was coffee.
"Yesssss!" Justice practically slid across the table to get the cup with her name on it, and knocked Luke's hand to the side, taking his cup.
"HEY! You can't take my cup!" He protested sliding across the table to get his cup back.
Wh'd Stacey came downstairs, she took one look at the two of the sliding on the table and went back upstairs.
Eventually, we all settled down enough to have breakfast. Justice was pouting because she didn't manage to steal Luke's cup, and Luke was pouring because Justice managed to get a sip.
Sparkle checked her phone. "So we're going to a theme park today? And then Water world?"
"Yup," Pat nodded. "We get to stay til lunch at the park."
"Are there good rides?" Justice asked, eagerly. I'm starting to think that getting Justice coffee was a bad idea. She was finally calming down before this.
"Depends on what you think is fun," Pat shrugged. "But I guess most of them are pretty good."
"Alright!" Justice hopped up on her chair. "Let's go!"
We all got our backpacks and suitcases and prepared to go. Once we were checked out, we went to the cars.
On the walk outside to the cars, Ellie screeched.
"What is THAT?" She demanded, pointing. We followed her gaze.
"COOL!" Justice and Stacey exclaimed at the same time.
"EW!" Screamed Lara as she stepped away from it.
As it turned out, it was a spider web that had caught a bunch of little water droplets from all that fog last night, making the web look huge.
Pretty weird, if you ask me.
The car ride was uneventful, and passed mostly in silence. I took note on how the fog still clung to the buildings, despite the fact that most of it seemed to have dissipated after being pushed away by the wind.
The others had arrived before us. Keeping the suitcases in the car, we stepped out.
"I'm definitely not used to humidity," Lara said, her voice disgusted. "My hair looks terrible."
To be honest, I could barely tell there was a difference. Her shoulder length hair looked the same as it always was.
We waited in line for tickets, and it was around ten or so that we finally got in.
"So this place is like DisneyLand, then. Except Chinese, with nothing Disney Like, right?" Justice asked.
"Essentially," Pat said.
The rest of the day at the park blurred into one. It was amazing. There were different areas throughout the park; desert, cartoon town, magical forest thing, mysterious castle, American street, and another area that all the really intense roller coasters were. There was also something in the middle, but I don't remember what. We didn't go there, anyway.
One of the rides was this raft thing that just kinda of spun around in a fake river. I managed to stay dry the whole time, and Luke almost managed to, but near the end someone dumped a bucket of water right where he was sitting.
"AH!" Luke yelled. "That's COLD!"
Pat had to help Justice off the raft, she was laughing so hard.
There was this really weird thing in the desert section. Apparently it was a time travel thing, (Chinese people like time traveling).
"This is nauseating," Stacey said clinging onto the rail. It was a short tunnel with a solid little bridge suspended in the middle. The tunnels walls seemed to spin: white lights like stars against a midnight blue background.
Trying to walk through that in a straight line was super difficult. I nearly tipped over the side. Thank goodness for railings.
It was lunch time soon after that. We ate at the park and had kabobs. Most of us had sheep kabobs, except for the Cousin (that's what Stacey calls him), and Ling Ling. They had squid kabobs, which was just weird.
We took off to the other side of the city to the sea world, which was also great.
"So there are penguins, polar bears, belugas, and seals?" I asked.
"Yeah," Luke nodded. "Lots of different fish, too."
We went through the ticket area and all that stuff before we finally got in.
"What do we do first?" I looked around excitedly. There was so much to see before we leave.
Luke reflected my excitement. "Let's go see the penguins!" He suggested already racing off. I followed, camera ready.
We spent the rest of the afternoon taking pictures of animals. We went to a few shows, but I couldn't understand most of it, guessing the whole time. I took lots of pictures today, though. I'm kinda a sucker for animals.
There were museums that we went through, with Luke translating everything for me.
We regrouped around four. The train came at five, but we wanted to make sure that we would be on time.
So, after a bunch of hustle and bustle, we are now on a train.
Whoppee. It took an hour and a half to write this.
Should I write more?
Apparently not, because Stacey's working on the presentation for the end of the trip. She wants the journal to review what we did.

A/N: just hang in there

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