July 23

12 1 0

You know I was the last one to write. And it is another day. If Luke gets an award for writing two consecutive days in a row, then I do, too.
I'm getting off topic. Or so Pat says.
Ouch. I've been hit.

The AMs were quite busy today. What started out as a simple trip to the Edinburgh museum escalated into a scavenger hunt across the city.

After being lovingly carted off by Lara's cousins after a long brunch, we entered the museum.

"Buildings are a gift," I muttered to Pat as we entered. Though it was alright outside, it was very windy. I felt like I was going to achieve lift off.

We walked through the museum that had all sorts of artifacts; stuff from Egypt and Scotland, art, and different kinds of technology. We strolled through all orts of exhibits, until Luke said, "Hey!" suddenly.

"What is it?" Pat glanced over.

"Is that a dog collar?"

We huddled around the small object. "Yeah, I think so."

"Funny. It belonged to a dog named Greyfriars Bobby."

"Why do they have a dog collar displayed in a museum?" I asked.

"Oh! Got it." Stacey snapped her fingers. "It was that dog, that guarded his owners grave for 15 years or something?"

"14 years," Lara corrected, as the subject dawned on her. "He's pretty popular actually. There are a few tourist attractions of him throughout the city."

"Really?" I exclaimed. "Then let's go find them!"

Lara furrowed her brow. "Uh, you sure that's a good idea?"

"Well, we've been through most of the museum now. Why not? They're still tourist attractions." I was pumped.

Though the others looked uneasy, they shakily agreed, and we exited the building.

"So, where are we heading?" Upon going outside again, I realized I had no idea where I was leading the rest of the group.

Luckily, Lara saved me.

"They're on Candlemaker Row. Right across the street," she stated, pointing across the busy street.

"Oh. Thanks."

I looked it up on Google maps just now, and it said it would take us a minute to cross the street.


I can tell you it was at least a tad bit longer.

Anyhow, we managed to cross the street, and then just looked where there was a slight crowd grouped. We found the dog's grave first, where we overheard another group explain the significance of the dog through a barricade of heavy Scottish accents. What a faithful dog. I was touched. At the base of the grave, I left two coins, which quickly disappeared amongst the other offerings and gifts.
We moved on to the next crowded area, which we would have found on our own. It was a fountain, called Greyfriars Bobby Fountain, with a little dog statue to match.
"There's also a pub that has a plaque, stating that Greyfriars Bobby was fed there frequently, but that's a ways away, and we still gotta go back home." Lara's curly blonde princess-like hair flew wildly in the wind. I could feel my pigtails coming loose.
I sighed. "Fine..."
I guess I must have looked pretty disappointed, because Lara suddenly promised that we could go and see the plaque tomorrow, though she made it clear we weren't going in.
Lara punched in her cousin's number and held the phone to her ear. She hollered into the phone that, yes we were alright, no she wasn't possessed, and yes we needed a ride back, and the told them our new position away from the museum. She ended the call with an inaudible sigh of relief.
After we packed ourselves into the separate cars, we sat tight in the seats.
"Is the weather always like this?" Pat asked. Her neat black hair was windblown and disheveled.
"No," Bella called back cheerfully. "Just every once in a while the wind picks up."
"Oh," was her only response.
Fast forward through supper and here we are!
Alright fine.
Byeeeeee trademark exit.

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