August 6

10 1 0

Yay! We're finally in Paris. I finally get to write about it and the week is basically over. Hmph.
Today we went to a park, plain and simple, but it seemed like the only natural and untouched place in miles, and it was pretty nice.
If only it didn't rain. I am currently quite soaked.
It was nice enough in the morning, just a few clouds here and there. We packed our lunches and readily prepared to go out to Parc de Buttes Chaumont for a picnic.
"We go out for a lot of picnics, don't we?" Luke frowned. "Not that I have anything against it, I like eating very much."
Ellie had decided it was best if we all went on foot to the park, which was supposedly 'not far'. I say she needs to work on her judgement of what far is, because my feet ached by the end of the walk.
The whole walk, Pat and Stacey looked at the sky with unease.
"We should turn back," Stacey fretted, stopping in her tracks.
"Why?" Ellie turned to her friend, surprised.
"Look at those clouds." Pat pointed along the horizon at dark grey clouds. Storm clouds.
"Oh, stop worrying," Ellie said, her voice a touch annoyed. "They're too far for us to care about."
For a straight A student, that was a dumb decision. I can't believe the rest of us didn't stop her, either. I mean, Pat and Stacey are the two smartest people in our group. We must all be a bunch of idiots.
We got to the park, despite Pat and Stacey's warnings, and settled into a nice area by a patch of trees. We were still dry, though now the sky was worryingly dark and threatening.
The AMs unpacked lunch and set out the different stuff: drinks, snacks, sandwiches.
"Let's feast!" Ellie declared. At that exact moment, the rain began to fall.
"Aw, man! Are you serious?" Luke whined. Thank goodness we all had brought sweaters for the somewhat cooler weather. A few of us, unfortunately, did not have hoods, and I was one of them.
"It's just rain," Ellie said, though her voice was faltering from drop in confidence.
"Come on," Pat said. "Let's do what we did in the mountain in Scotland."
I had no idea what she meant, but some of the others did, and began to move into a tighter circle and had their backpacks protecting their back. Stacey and Sparkle opened two umbrellas and set them against wind and rain.
We huddled close together and ate our lunch in a quiet misery, though Luke and Justice managed to lighten the mood. The only one left who had an emotional raincloud was Ellie. I nudged her.
"Cheer up a bit," I whispered as I prodded her foot with my own. Her smile was only half attempted, not reaching her eyes, but she didn't say anything. She just went back to eating her sandwich.
We had had enough when thunder rumbled through the park.
"Oookay, I think we're done here," Luke muttered. The eight of us began packing as quickly as we could as the rain started pelting down at a higher level of intensity.
"We're outta here!" Justice yelled above the wind that began to pick up.
We stood and waved down two cabs as soon as we could, and shouted the directions out at them. The storm was getting bigger and bigger.
And then we were back, after a failed picnic, and Ellie seemed more deflated than ever. Wen we got into our room she collapsed onto her bed.
"I'm so so so stupid!" She mumbled into her pillow. "I should've listened! Just because a storm isn't forecasted doesn't mean it's not going to happen!" She began rambling on and on and on to herself and her pillow. Finally Stacey put a hand on her back.
"Hey, it's fine. We can't control the weather."
That didn't do much, but she seems a bit better now. I don't really have much else to write, considering it's only three in the afternoon, so this is the end of the entry so far.
Bye I guess.
I apologize if Lara seems a little snarky. Rain makes her grumpy, as well as being wet.
Just saying.

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