August 12

15 1 0

I am so. Tired. I am definitely not in a writing mood, but I'll try.
Just a note, Corallie couldn't make it today. I think she'll be with us for the rest of our trip in Rome, though.
"Today's destination is..." Sparkle looked at Pat and I, waiting for a drum roll. The two of us exchanged a look before reluctantly obliging. Sparkle, smiling triumphantly, finished her sentence. "The Roman forums!"
"Hm?" Luke, who was up surprisingly early, mumbled as he sat at our table. His cup of coffee was over half gone.
"The forums. You know, big, ancient ruins? Hm?" Sparkle poked him in the side before resuming her small bagel breakfast. Luke just put his head on the table.
Though Luke might have gotten up early, the others woke up exceptionally late. They didn't come to the table until fifteen minutes after breakfast.
"It's going to be lunch by the time we get to the forums," Pat sighed.
"Good," Justice said. "Cause this isn't enough breakfast for me!"
We did end up going to lunch the second we got to the forums. After picking the closest and most trustworthy looking place, we went in and ordered a to-go meal. Then we waited in line.
And waited. And waited. See, the reason I'm tired right now is because we waited in line for two hours. My legs feel absolutely dead.
The hour certainly gave us enough time to eat, and we finished and hour before we were at the head of the line.
But when we were inside, I guess it was pretty worth it.
"Look at all these temples!" My sister squealed as she took my arm. She was very excited, to say the least, and charged through the place happily.
Stacey recited to us the names of the structured we passed, and Justice added her own commentary for each. Please note that these are things that occurred spread through three hours.
"Temple of Saturn."
"Like, the big evil Titan man who ate his children? WHY."
"This is Curia Julia."
"Hehe. That rhymes. Wait, Julia? Like, Julius Caesar's daughter? Or is it still Julius?"
"Still Julius."
"Here's Basilica Julia."
"For Caesar again, I suppose."
"Mhm, and this one's called the Temple of Caesar."
"Sigh. So many temples for him."
"Temple of Castor and Pollux right next to it."
"Castor and Pollux? The twins from Percy Jackson or from mythology?"
*insert Stacey rolling her eyes*
"And finally the temple of Vesta," Stacey concluded. This one impressed me. It looked really cool from my angle.
"Vesta? Who's that?" Justice wondered out loud.
After a moment of thought, Pat snapped her fingers. "Hestia's Roman form."
"Ohh... COOL!"
Hestia, or Vesta, is fairly liked from what I can tell. She's the goddess of family, so I suppose that makes sense.
When we exited, we were more than surprised to see that it was already five.
"Time sure flies when you're having fun, huh?" Sparkle laughed as she prodded Lara's shoulder. Lara just snorted and poked her back.
We arrived at the hotel with seven minutes between the first group arriving and the second group, my group, arriving.
The others had ordered lunch, and the rest of us loitered around our rooms and the hallway with some free time. I, being super tired, wanted to nap, but Stacey tossed me the journal anyway.
Ughhh. I'm not even going to have time for a nap now. I'm going straight to sleep after eating.
Alright, I'm done. Ciao.

A/N: sorry it's so short

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