July 24

8 1 0

Last day of being the leader. Relief at last.
As we promised, the last day is the relaxation day, in which nothing really happens unless it comes up. Meaning something evidently came up.
We all slept in for as long as we wanted, waking up around lunch.
I was one of the people who woke up a bit later. When I entered the kitchen and sat at the table, the only people who weren't there were Luke and Stacey.
Pat turned from the window to face me, holding a glass of orange juice. "Rainy last day."
I nodded. The soft pitter patter rain droplets could be heard throughout the house.
Justice had her hands around a mug filled with coffee. She smiled at me.
"Katie's good at making coffee," she said. "I am more awake than I thought possible right now."
I'm not sure that's a good thing.
The other two eventually joined us, and Stacey had her laptop.
"What's that for?" Ellie nodded toward the laptop.
"The presentation. Going to put this week in," she replied.
"Do you need pictures?" Sparkle asked.
"Coffee!" Luke leaned forward over the table and reached for the kettle. He had a clean mug already and poured it in. He was so similar to Justice it was weird.
Even though we were all done eating, we just sat at the table with messy hair and wrinkled pyjamas. We had a long conversation that varied from dreams to home to our next destination to the present.
"You know what I want to see in Scotland?" Justice suddenly exclaimed.
A smattering of 'what's echoed across the table.
She grinned wickedly. "Luke in a kilt."
"What?!" Luke spewed coffee across the table at me.
"EW!" I screeched. I reached for the tissue paper to dry my face and hands.
When I came back to the conversation, Luke was yelling, "No way!"
"Yes way! Get in the Scottish spirit!" Justice's face was delighted.
"No! I doubt Lara has any kilts that are my size, anyway."
Fifteen minutes later, Luke stood grumpily in a plaid kilt and pyjama top.
"I...can't...breathe!" Justice gasped between laughter. "This is quite possibly the best thing we've ever done!"
The rest of us were in hysterics as Luke stood there, angry faced.
Luke changed out the minute he saw an opportunity to, when we were clutching our stomachs because they were cramped. I checked the time.
"Want to walk past the pub where Greyfriars Bobby was welcome at?" I suggested. I remembered my promise from yesterday.
"Sure," Pat answered as she wiped tears from her eyes. "Just let us go get changed."
The group disappeared into their separate rooms, and we met up later by the door. Umbrellas ready, we headed out on a long walk to our destination.
Three hours. We went on a three hour walk just to see a plaque. We got back in time to change out of our wet clothes and help with our final supper in the UK.
After supper, we headed back to our separate rooms to pack. I picked up the journal when, I'm guessing Justice, slid it under the door. Sparkle said I should probably write, so ta da. Events of today.
See you in Holland!

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