July 11

18 1 0

Ahaha. I'm in my home turf.
The AMs have landed in Looondon!
This morning, at around five, the AMs touched down in a beautiful London at dawn. My aunt and uncle showed up to bring us down to their house, which I might mention is very large. I have lots of cousins, so there was definitely enough room for us.
It turns out, my cousins were awake, and waiting for us. They were in pyjamas, though, and bleary eyed.
Pat, Stacey and I went with my cousin Lucy to her room, where we were sharing. I slept with her on the bed, while Pat and Stacey slept on the other bed.
I woke up again at ten, after taking that brief five-hour nap, and got up and stretched. Pat was awake, and Stacey was starting to stir. Lucy had already left the room.

"Guess what?" I sang to Pat as she opened her bags and rummaged through them for something to wear. "We're in Looondon!" I stood up as struck a pose.

She slapped my arm. "I know we're in London," She snorted. Stacey had fully awoken from my singing. (She says it was more like screeching. Psh.)

The three of us changed into some clean clothes and then walked out of the dainty bedroom.

"This place is huge," Pat said. The hallway was indeed large compared to the apartments we stayed in in China. I led them down the hall and down the stairs to the dining area. I remember this place well; I came here with my sisters Patricia and Charlotte every second summer, and I'm pretty close with all of my cousins.

Most of us are already at the table and I beam at my relatives.

"I haven't given any of you a proper greeting yet!" I exclaimed. "I might as well introduce you all at the same time."

"Here's Uncle Jefferson." I kissed him on both cheeks.

"And Aunt Allison," I repeated the motion before introducing my cousins.

"This is Edmund," I introduced as a squished my cousin. He was the oldest; twenty years old.

"Elliot and Harrison," I hugged the two twins, who were seventeen.

"Lucy!" I embraced her tightly. She was the same age as me, at fifteen.

"This one's Georgia," I engulfed the twelve year old in my arms.

"And last is John." This was said while pinching the eight year olds cheeks.

The eight of them chorused their hello's and how do you do's to us, and we commenced brunch.

"These pancakes are infinitely better than the one's we had I China," I said through a mouthful of deliciousness. Pat shot me an awkward sideways glance, Sparkle snorted, and Fletcher blushed a subtle shade of red.

After breakfast, my aunt and uncle went of the work. Edmund and the twins took off, and Lucy and Georgia were watching John.

"Where will you be going?" Lucy glanced up at me.

"We won't be doing much today," I shrugged. "We'll go see Big Ben, and then we'll probably come back if nothing else comes up."
She nodded. "Call me if you need something."
The eight of us headed out the door after getting backpacks and cameras.
Calling cabs here are basically the same as in China; there's plenty, but it's hard to catch an empty one. We managed to, though, and set off on our way to the giant clock.
"Wow. It's huge." Luke stared up the tower.
Fletcher let out a long whistle. "It's 96 meters tall. Of course it's huge."
"This is the Elizabeth Tower, right?" Stacey asked. I nodded.
"Used to be called the Clock Tower til 2012," I said.
"When was it built?" Sparkle asked. "It's beautiful."
"I think mid 1800's or so," Fletcher shrugged. "It's still great."
Pat was looking at pictures of the clock on a brochure thing.
"It says 'O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First' is inscribed in Latin at the base of the clock face," she squinted. I nodded again, like a bobble head.
We toured 'round the buildings that surrounded the Elizabeth tower. I didn't take many pictures, but the ones I did were all selfies with friends or candid shots of them.
We went through the whole grounds, and lasted until two in the afternoon. Sparkle managed to record the chimes when it was two.
On our way back, Ellie suddenly asked, "Will we be able to take a double decker bus?"
I snorted. "Duh. Do you think we're going to miss out on that?"
Her face flushed. "Shut up."
When we were back at the house, we found that the Twins had come back as well.
"Justice!" Elliot took my arms and swept me through the air.
"HEYYY!!! Not AGAIN!! You promised not to do this again!" I yelled as he flung me through the air to his brother. Harrison caught me and squished me til my ribs cracked.
"No we didn't," he snorted.
"Hmph. You totally did."
"You did," Lucy stated a matter of factly as she entered the living room.
"Whoops. Whatever." The twins crushed me in another hug before ruffling my hair and taking off.
"And they're going to be seniors?" Pat snorted. She knew all about my cousins through all the stories I've told her.
"Yup." Lucy laughed.
The rest of the afternoon was exploring the house and pointing out the 'forbidden rooms'. Not that they were really forbidden. We'd just probably wreck whatever's in there.
Supper was simple, and delicious. Not to say that Chinese food isn't good, because I adore Chinese food, but more that the cooking was more similar to Patricia's back at home. Man, I wish I could eat here cooking now. She's a great chef.
We changed into our pyjamas after that, but we all just sat in the hallway. Luke and Fletcher became quick friends with the twins, and we all warmed up to each other quickly.
Then I realized 'Hey. No one's done a journal entry yet. Might as well.' You know the ending all ready.
Justice OUT.
But I'll be back.

A/N: soooooooooooo sooooooooooooorry for the terribly crappy and late updates.
Please hang in there (>人<;)
breezy out

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