July 16

6 1 0

Second last day in England. Justice looks kinda depressed.
Anyway, Stacey reluctantly gave me the journal yesterday, and I now have the pleasure of writing in it.
Today, we were sent on a quest, which was different. Justice's uncle and aunt had left Lucy a note with a grocery list and some cash. Lucy simply handed it to us when we were done breakfast and assured us we wouldn't have to spend any money before ushering us out of the house.
"Where are we going?" Pat demanded as we were pushed out the door into the sun.
Justice frowned at the paper and then turned it over and gasped.
"I do believe," she said dramatically, "That this is a map of Borough Market!"
"Huh?" Luke sniffed, staying quizzically in her direction.
"I said, Borough Market. Only one of the oldest markets in London! Don't you read Wikipedia." Justice sighed, disappointed.
We went to the market by walking, which was a literal change of pace. It took forever, and attempted to play a game of 'I Spy', which didn't last very long.
When we reached the market, suddenly we were like a military force; Justice instructed us to certain parts of the market in search for a specific thing. Everyone buzzed around, and we bumped into others frequently, asking frantically for directions to a certain snack.
I almost caused mass panic when I didn't meet up with the others because I was lost. We did eventually find each other, and I finished my sandwich in quick bites.
Then, at four, (we ate lunch at three because we actually ate breakfast at ten thirty and arrived at the market at eleven), and rushed around the place finding each other with each item that we were supposed to have all bought.
On our way back, Stacey relayed some of the political history about the place, and when I asked how old it was, I was not expecting the answer.
"The market seems to think it was created around 1014 or earlier," she said, nonchalantly.
"WHAT?!" Luke spit out the little water he had in his mouth and didn't manage to drink any of it. "That's like, a thousand years ago!"
"Yeah," Stacey nodded, obviously not as surprised. "But the first actual known recording of it is in the 1200's or so."
"Still!" Luke said. "That's old, and it definitely didn't seem really really old."
We made it back to the house, where Georgia peeked through the slightly cracked open door and grinned.
"You guys got all the groceries," she said with that accent of hers. Everyone had such a thick accent, it was difficult to understand.
"Yup." Justice barged right in, knocking Georgia back a bit.
"I'm so sorry!" She immediately said. " Are you OK?"
"Fine," Georgia snorted. "You always do that, don't you?"
"Yeah," Pat said, giving Justice a look. She wouldn't meet her gaze.
We brought all the groceries to the kitchen, and then given free time, when I thought victoriously of yesterday. So we're here. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee for noww. It's time for supper.

A/N: SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY FOR LATE UPDATES but idk if you read to here cool cool
breezy out

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