July 31

14 1 0

Last day in the Netherlands, as well as the last day in July! Interesting.
Anyway, I am reporting from the house. I finished packing first, so I got to write. Even though it was supposed to be a competition, the others didn't seem to actually want to compete. They worked at a leisurely pace as I quickly jammed all but my pyjamas in my suitcase and organized my backpack.
ASIDE FROM JUST NOW, I'll talk about our day.
Last day relaxation. My body is falling into habit of this. Other than the jet lag, which isn't as bad as when we moved all the way from Canada to China.
I woke to electronic voices. Briefly, my very sleepy self wondered if I had slept for a hundred years and robots we're going to kill me. Then I realized I recognized the voices.
Stacey was sitting up on her bed, dressed in her  strawberry pjs. She was staring at her phone screen. I realized she was video calling her family.
I looked around the room. The two of us were the last people still in the bedroom. The clock read eleven oh five.
"Time for lunch," I muttered to myself as I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. Unfortunately, I got in the background of Stacey's phone, because a voice, her younger sister H-B I think, yelled out, "Hey, it's Justice!"
"Hiii!" I drawled out the word and waved at the camera. On the screen, past Stacey's back, was the face of her oldest sister Frances, I think. Beside her was H-B, who was basically a replica of Stacey four years ago. Frances was more like Fletcher.
"Justice?" A cheerful, lower voice echoed through the room. I recognized it as her eldest brother Metoo (as fore mentioned, it's a nickname).
"Yup!" I grinned. Stacey shifted over and patted on a spot next to her on the bed. I sat, looking at the camera. The two people were in fact Stacey's eldest and youngest sisters, and I could now also see Metoo's head in the background.
"Hello Justice!" He beamed.
Stacey and I chatted with them for a while, until Stacey called Fletcher and Lex over. I took that as my cue to leave, and said fair well and goodnight to the group. Then I took some clothes and went to the washroom to change.
I entered the kitchen, which was full of sweet smells and the relaxing scent of coffee, which reminded me to fill the mug I've been using with it. I slid down next to Pat.
"You're up late," she looked at me in what I suspected was the corner of her vision.
"Mhm. But I'm going to be very awake for the rest of the day!" Big gulp of coffee. Pat just snorted at rolled her eyes.
Stacey and her brothers marched into the kitchen, startling everyone.
"AMs say hi!" She said.
"Hi," we chorused back in various levels of enthusiasm. Then the sibling trio turned to their grandparents, allowing them to talk to their other grandchildren. The rest of us, mostly finished with eating, moved to the living room. I quickly scarfed down the rest of my delicious breakfast bread before joint the rest of the group.
Ellie and sat down at the desk in the room with Stacey's laptop open. She was working on the presentation, and I decided to go take a look.
"WOW!" I exclaimed. The PowerPoint was formatted in a way that almost looked... pretty! There were the perfect amount of text and pictures placed together in the most aesthetically pleasing way. I didn't even know it was possible for a PowerPoint to look like this!
Ellie had the journal open and was looking at the page about the Anne Frank house, the place with the Cellphone Thief. Sparkle had already uploaded pictures onto the computer, and Ellie was busy choosing from them.
I left and flopped down next to Pat on the couch. I tend to be bad at making presentations and much better at presenting them.
"So," I said lazily. "Our hosts are preoccupied. Who's up for a game of 'never have I ever'?"
"Sure," Luke sighed and leaned forward, turning off his phone.
"I'm game!" Sparkle chirped. Lara and Par nodded their heads in agreement.
"Pass," said Ellie. "I'm busy."
I felt bad for leaving her to work alone, but I knew that's what she preferred. She thrived working by herself, though I'm sure with the right group of people she could probably advance human technology tenfold.
"I'll start," I said. "Never have I ever... Been up at two in the morning."
"WHAT?! Not even at sleepovers?" Lara's eyes were huge.
"Nope. I sleep at one thirty."
"Crazy. I can't believe it!" The other players all put down a finger. Four out of five, HA.
"Okay, my turn," said Pat. "Never have I ever had coffee five mornings in a row."
"UGH. Not fair!" Luke wailed. Two of five fingers were now down. I had also been unfortunately knocked out. Four fingers left.
The game had cycled back to me, and I cackled.
"Have mercy!" Luke sighed. He knew I was going to get him out.
"Never have I ever made spaghetti!" I cried out.
"ARGH." He sighed again. "I'm out."
Movement from upstairs. The two siblings that were missing came down.
"Finally," I said. "You missed a great game just now."
The rest of the day was basically the same thing. Fletcher joined the game, while Stacey helped Ellie at the desk. Lex had joined in at some point as well, making the game even more treacherous. I lost twice since he joined!
And then we went to go pack, so we would have time to help make supper again. I'm actually a bit late to helping them, so I gotta go.
Byeeee. Justice OUT.

A/N: a n d i a m l a t e a g a i n
That looks weird
breezy out

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