Chapter 13 - Taking My Advice? Wow.

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(I have no more ideas for a cover so have a rare picture of the octomao twerking)

(My attempt at making one in roblox)

(Also, this chapter will be a bit boring, but I didn't have many ideas. So now I'll have more time to come up with something to make the next chapters more exciting!)

''He turned into an octopus, that's all I'm saying.'' Bobo said, crossing his arms.

Galf sighed loudly and put his hand on his face in a facepalm.

''More detail, please.''

He put his two fingers on the sides of his nose and closed his eyes in frustation.

Trooper spoke up; "Bobo, care to explain the first part?''

Bobo kept his arms crossed and looked away with a drop of sweat appearing on his pale face. ''Fine.''

A few seconds passed of silence until Bobo finally felt comfortable enough to talk about it.

''As you already know, you sent us to the poolrooms unaware that there were oct-.. um. How do I say it?''

Bobo raised a brow, a bit embarrased that he couldn't speak of the word.


''Right!- So you were unaware that there were octomaos, and Jard got attacked by one.''

Bobo gulped under his breath, afraid to say the next part as he uncrossed his arms and just held his other arm with his hand.

Trooper spoke up, clearly not afraid to speak about it.

''It stabbed him in the stomach. They both then came to Defect's cabin for Jard to get treated. Defect brang Jard to the shed, and that's the last we've seen him.. well... normal.''

Galf and Bobo both stayed quiet and waited for Trooper to continue. It looked like he was taking the lead in the conversation, well, explanation of the 'Octomao' situation.

''I was only there because I heard about the misson they were going on and wanted to join. Anyways, Me and Bobo both woke up in the middle of the night to crashing sounds and went outside to come face to face with Jard's infected form..''

''Annnndddd, then we ran away and stayed in the middle of the forest for the night, made a fire for warmth, and then we came to you.''

Bobo continued, showing a fake smile.

Galf sighed once more and burrowed his hands in his face, hiding a sad expression. He quickly uncupped his face and looked at the both, the visible bags under his eyes showing. He looked at the two, and they both stared back at him, waiting for him to say anything at all to break the silence.

Through their silence, they started getting slightly unpatient when Galf just rolled back around in his chair and flipped through the book again.

''I think there could be a cure.''

Trooper and Bobo's eyes both lit up when he said that. They scurried closer to the desk to take a look for themselves. Galf stopped at a particuler page and laid his finger on it. He read it quietly in his mind while the other two just waited for him to read it out loud. He turned around in his spinny chair and put a hand on his chin.

''Looks like we needa do some experimenting, folks.''

A drop a sweat rolled down Trooper's face, but Bobo just seemed to be interested.

''You think you can figure that out, Trooper?-''

"Aboustely not.'' He cut him off.

''Well, we all know Bobo can't do it-''


The young boy clenced his fists in anger, refusing to admit that he's unable to experiment with anything without messing it up and ruining it half way through.

''It looks like I'm gonna have to figure this out myself.''

Galf continued after insulting Bobo's skills at learning.

''As usual.'' He added in annyoance.


Galf read through the books pages, underlining any important information about making a 'cure', with a yellow highlighter. He often highlighted useful words in the different dimension books, just to help himself get better insight on the dimensions information.

When he was doing this, Bobo had gone to his room, and Trooper just waited outside, enjoying the air.

After the shopkeeper had gathered any important information and made some quick notes. He took out two, then four experimenting glasses. He placed them on the desk and stared at them, and silently thought to himself.

'No. This isn't gonna work. This is just stupid. How am I supposed to make some dumb potion to cure a literal zombie? This is retarded-'

Galf snapped out of his thoughts when Trooper had walked back into the shop.

"Hey, you finished?"

Trooper looked at him from a few feet away, his back leaning against the shop's wall.

He was growing unpatient, and so was the boy lazily laying down in his room.

"Uh.. I don't know, man. This all is so dumb. There's no way this is gonna work.."

He sighed and laid back down flat in his chair in defeat, even though he hadn't properly tried anything yet.

A few seconds past of silence until Trooper said something to break it.

"..Maybe we should call Rose?"

More silence.

"I'm certain she knows about experimenting. She's told me before. She can help us."

More silence again.

"Well, I don't want to bother her, she's always busy."

Galf said, sounding a bit annoyed but seeming to half accept the suggestion.

Trooper looked up him with an irritated expression.

"Galf, she cares a lot about Jard, she will be happy to help. Plus, she's so much less lazier than you."

Trooper had just insulted the shopkeeper. Wow.

"Hey! I own a damn shop, mind you!"

He tightened his fists in anger and quietly slammed the desk, trying not to wake Bobo up if he had fallen asleep.

But, Bobo had been listening to the entire conversation, and they both knew that when they heard him laugh loudly from his room. 'Hahahah!'

"Shut it, Bobo!" And with that warning from the angry shopkeeper, Bobo zipped his mouth shut.

"But you're right. Jard was practically in love with her so ofcourse she cares."

"So does this mean you'll call her and let her help us?" Trooper asked, tilted his head and crossing his armored arms.

"I suppose so. I'll call her tommorow when her shift is over."

"Thanks for taking my advice. For once."

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