Chapter One ~ Turncoat

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Draco had grown quite use to them after service to the Death Eaters for such a long period of time. Every painstaking moment was filled with anticipation and fear. Keeping his thoughts blocked out of both their heads and his own, remaining a good actor...

Acting was growing tiring. Acting was becoming near impossible.

There just wasn't enough fear left in him to keep him motivated. There wasn't his deranged aunt, there wasn't Voldemort, there wasn't anyone. The only thing left were the idiots left with their same prejudiced belief system.

The Death Eaters had no leader anymore. Voldemort's downfall had shaken them greatly. All they could was frighten, not dominate. They had no way of doing anything else. There was no authority figure; no guidance. Draco's father was the closest thing to guidance they had.

Ah, his father. What was there for him to say about him? Every part of him made a powerful surge of hatred shoot through Draco's body. He had murdered Draco's mother; The one thing in his life that he had left to hold onto. But now, there was nothing. Only his hatred left for the man he had once admired, and the nostalgia for the times before the Dark Lord's return, was left to hold onto.

Not even his beliefs against Muggleborns sustained. There wasn't an ounce of prejudice left in his barely existent heart. Somewhere during the Battle of Hogwarts Draco had realized this truth. Somewhere during the Battle of Hogwarts, he had figured out that I was fighting for the wrong side.

Three years it had been. Three years, five months and eleven days since Voldemort's downfall.

Everyone had expected that after Voldemort was finished, there would be peace. They were wrong. Draco always knew they were. Heartless bastards were not going to give up simply because one of their leaders was done for; especially in a room full of power hungry Slytherins, all eager to take the Dark Lord's place.

It was on that third year, fifth month, and eleventh day that Draco decided to run. Run like the coward he was; The coward he always had been. Run from the violence, torment, and oppression he was in. Run to fight for what he now believed in. Run for it was what any sane man would do. So run he did. He pulled out his ornate peacock feather quill and began to scrawl out a note, grabbing my owl and attaching it to its foot "Take this to Harry Potter" he said, stroking his owl before opening the window.


Draco couldn't help but pace back and forth across the room, arms crossed behind his back. Any second now. Three words that kept repeating in his head.
He couldn't help but be afraid, either. The bitter foreshadow of rejection was looming over his head like a cloud before a storm.

His grey eyes snapped to the fireplace when there was a footstep, which indeed there he was. Potter. Draco's most despised rival from school, his nemesis. The nemesis that wasn't so much of a nemesis at all. He had saved Draco's life. True, Draco despised him. True, Draco would always do so. But Draco respected the man. He defeated his oppressor after so many failed, and gotten him out of trouble.

"Erh - hi" the dark haired wizard stated awkwardly. "You wanted to speak with me, I believe?"

He snickered at Potter's attempt to sound businesslike, earning him a scowl." Yes, I did want to speak with you".

"May I ask why?"

"Explanations first, Potter" the blonde smirked. Potter rolled his eyes, but he chose to ignore this. "I'm growing tired and bored of life as a Death Eater".

"So you're in the mood for some fun, huh? Are the Death Eaters just not cutting it for you" snapped Potter, narrowing his eyes. "Think it would be interesting to see what life in the Order was while going behind our back the way you did after I saved your life in the Battle of Hogwarts? I'm not going to offer you that and you're thick if you -

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