Chapter Fourteen ~ To Prove

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"You're as sharp as a knife and you fit like a glove 

That is no way to live, that is no way to love 

Full of fear in your skin and the weakness is giving in"  

- Salt Skin by Ellie Goulding 

Damn he had lied. When Hermione had asked if anything was changed, he had simply shrugged. But everything had changed. 

She was more attached than she had ever been to anyone. Sure, she was not surprised. Why would she be? She had given him everything. She had been closer to him physically than she had been with anyone. And yet, he had discarded her and made it seem like she was nothing at all; but she was. 

Draco had reconstructed his walls. He had pushed her out with force and rebuilt his fortress, higher and tougher than before. He'd be damned if she broke in again. He didn't want it to be that way, he didn't want to push her away. But it was necessity. She was putting her own well-being and happiness at risk by her relationship with him... Hell, they hadn't even defined exactly what their relationship was. 

Their relationship was exactly what they needed, but exactly what they feared at once. It was complicated to chose which side to act on; there was the safe way out, and there was what they longed to do; to stay. But staying was dangerous. Staying was putting too much on the line. 

So they chose the safe way out. 


He ran into her on accident, the same way he had fallen for her on accident. 

Draco was trying to exit the tent so he could go smoke his morning cigarette, take his mind off things, and they collided in the doorway. They both tensed, and Hermione chewed on her lip again. He wanted to speak, but was unsure exactly what to say, so instead he simply said, "Granger". 

She met his gaze, and there was a sad sort of longing in her eyes. "I don't know how I can do this... That's why I've been avoiding you if you've been wondering". 

"No" he shook his head. "I haven't been wondering, because I'm doing the same thing. It's not safe". 

"It isn't" she sighed, and then her voice became barely more than a whisper. "But I want it to be". 

His instinct would've been to slice the distance, like he had before, but reality was bitter. Reality bitter because the Wizarding World's 'Chosen One' had been captured. Reality was bitter because now people like Granger had lost their innocence. Reality was bitter because if there was only one death, it was a positive thing. Reality was most bitter because no one could go a waking moment without worrying that someone they cared for would be the next to join the deceased. 

"Don't" he looked down to the ground, not wanting to meet her eyes. He felt vulnerable when he met her eyes, simply because she had somehow learned to read into his own. "Wanting things isn't an option when everything is so bad. You're setting yourself up for disappointment, Granger". 

"I know" she agreed. "But I can't help it, Draco". 

He studied her features. They were still as innocent, still as lovely as ever. That made it harder. His self restraint was beginning to wane, so he decided to end the conversation. "I'm going to go outside for a smoke". 

She nodded, biting her lip again. Damn her. "Alright". 


Bickering had broken out over the meeting table again. 

Draco was not surprised in the slightest, but he as only growing more and more irritated with each disagreement. "Can we all just shut up and try to agree on something?" he asked, irritation drenching the tone of his voice. 

The Grey In His Eyes! Dramoine Story (Draco & Hermione)Where stories live. Discover now