Chapter 27 ~ Worries

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"My eyes are lonely and cold, they're young and they're old.
They're looking for a way out, and a moment to let you in.
They want nothing to do with me, and only want to do with him.
~ My Eyes by Christina Perri

"I'd prefer if you didn't tell anyone about last night, Granger" he mumbled when her eyelids fluttered open. She hadn't slept so deeply in weeks, perhaps even months. "It should remain between us".

She smirked and rolled over so she hover over him and meet his eyes. "What, that big, bad Draco Malfoy was crying? I might just have to bring that up. It's not a common sight, see".

"Don't you dare" he growled.

"Or what?" she challenged.

"I'll - I'll... I swear, Granger I'll -

"You'll lose the ability to speak normally?" she arched an eyebrow and he glowered at her. "I'm sorry, but that's not remotely frightening. But I'm kidding, Draco. It'll remain between us".

"You're one of the only people to ever see me... like that" he murmured, giving her a soft but unreadable look. "At my worst".

And she had seen him at his worst. She had seen him break down completely, and yet all of it made him more beautiful.

Somehow, in some tragic way, his worst was beautiful.

"Do you think less of me?" he inquired, some sort of concern visible in his eyes.

She shook her head. "Never over that. You have feelings too, Draco. Everyone does. You aren't the only one I've ever seen cry. What kind of person would I be if I judged you for being human? I don't even judge house elves for being house elves".

"Spew" he smirked. She scowled at him. "Sorry, that was far too easy for me, I might add".

"Speaking of fourth year... Why did you tell me to stay safe at the Quidditch World Cup? I've never been able to ask you why and I guess I've always been curious about it... You loathed me".

"Not all of me did, I guess" he shrugged. "I still thought you were human. I still didn't want to see you tortured like that".

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, sighing with contentment. "I told you you weren't evil. You never were. Arrogant, cold, rough around the edges, spiteful, bitter... but no, Draco, you were never evil. You were a shade of grey, just like you were when you first got here. Lost, confused, misguided".

He said nothing, but tightened his hold on her and nuzzled her neck, pressing light kisses there occasionally. He felt the world was whole, but he knew that it was only temporary. Everything had to come to an end, eventually. He caught her mouth with his to distract him from the truth of the matter.

He couldn't handle the truth.

The truth wasn't fair.


"I love you" she rasped breathlessly.

She was close, close, close. He was bucking into her with a speed that was fast, but yet he was gentle. He was trailing his lips over every part of her he could reach. Her breasts, her shoulders, her collarbones, her neck, her jawline, her cheek... her lips. He was doing everything that aroused her most. He was trailing his fingers lightly across her rib cage.

Finally, she came undone around him. Her eyes dilating, her body shaking and a loud cry escaping her lips. He held back his own climax for a moment just to study her. She was beautiful like this. So he told her. "You're beautiful" he murmured, sucking at her earlobe before letting out a hiss when his own hips shook erratically and he found his release in her.

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