Chapter 20 ~ Faith

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"Some call love a curse, some call love a thief
But she's my home
And she's as much apart for this broken heart
But see, broken bones always seem to mend
~ The Devil's Tears by Angus & Julia Stone

Hermione was trembling with fear, unsure of what they were even going to do or say when they returned. Draco seemed to have an idea, but she was unsure on what it was and that made her all the more nervous. She clung on to him as tight as she could, as if an attempt to keep him hers, to keep him in her arms.

It was as if she didn't want to have to let him go, to have to give him up to them.

If they were to be discovered, she would want to be the one given up. She would pay the cost no matter what it was, as long as it was not losing him. She would chose death over imprisonment, death over the pain losing her loved ones would cost. Somehow, Draco had indeed become a loved one; and one of the most important, whether she admitted it to herself or not.

She had grown to rely on him, despite the fact she knew it was not going to be a long-term outcome.

In changing times, it was hard to rely on anyone. She had learned to rely on no one but herself over time, but yet somehow he had sneaked onto the lips of things she relied on. She relied on him to keep her happy, to make her feel safe; to make her forget.

But what would she do if he was killed and she had nothing left at all to make her forget?


The only sounds when they were inside the main headquarters were Dolohov's footsteps and the fire in the fireplace crackling. Draco and Hermione stood completely and utterly still, not daring to move at all.

"So you tell me that you can spy on the Order for us, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco nodded. "Of course, sir".

"And you told me that Miss Granger here helped you in your efforts involving this?" asked Dolohov. "I must say, I am quite impressed with the Mudblood as of right now... She is not like the others of her kind".

"She's one of a kind, sir" Draco agreed, flashing a meaningful look at Hermione.

"I have heard that she was quite the Ancient Runes and Arithmacy scholar. We could use experienced witches in that feel, it would be helpful for decoding old, precious dark magic things... Hmm, yes".

Dolohov muttered to himself for a moment, though it was not loud enough to be discerned. He seemed to be considering, and they both knew that when a Death Eater was thinking it could not be any positive thoughts.

"Granger, I think you should be branded with the mark" said Dolohov finally.

Draco raised his eyebrows. "Don't you think now is too soon, sir? Surely she should have more time to decide on this cause, to get used to everything and find her way in gradually... That's rushing it, isn't it?"

"She should not have to decide on this cause, for if she wished not to be a part of it she made a horrible mistake of ever coming into our ranks".

Draco flashed his eyes towards Hermione. She looked both horrified and in shock, obviously unsure of whether it was even real. "That's not fair".

"We Slytherins don't play fair, Draco. You of all people should know that. You, after all, are your father's son".

His steel grey eyes shot daggers at Dolohov. "Don't bring my father into this, Antonin. We both know that it will end badly. My father and I are not the same man. We are... very different".

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