Chapter 29 ~ Time & Its Betrayal

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"He has given himself over, refusing what he knows to be real
He turns away from every meal, starving himself of goodness
He doesn't think he can heal, b
ut you and I now
We can be alright, just hold on to what we know is true
You and I now, though it's cold inside
Feel the tide turning" 

~ Feel the Tide (Turning) by Mumford & Sons

Neither Draco nor Hermione were expecting a drenched, teary-eyed Pansy Parkinson to show up at their camp, but life had a way with proving them wrong recently. The normally held together blonde was a mess; her makeup smeared all across her face, her long, platinum hair in a tangled, wet, matted state. She threw her wet arms around to Hermione, and began to sob the moment she pulled away. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come I just had to tell you" Pansy sniffled. "I just had to".

Draco snorted. "Tell us what, that you're crying? That your little Death Eater pals are out to steal our souls and -

"Draco" Hermione said in a soft but firm tone. "Pansy, what did you need to tell us before Draco so rudely interrupted".

"It's G-Ginny" sobbed Pansy. "It's been her for m-months, even before D-Draco came. She tampered with Ch-Cho's memory so she thought that she did it but she d-didn't. I've only known for a few w-weeks or I would've told you -

"Parkinson you've known for weeks and you've chosen to tell us now?" snapped Draco. "So the Death Eaters could come tomorrow, or in a few minutes, or whenever the hell they want and you decided it would be a good idea to let us know now?"

"She was scared!" defended Hermione.

"Oh how great for her! Now all our fucking lives are on the line because she wouldn't talk".

"I'll fight for you" mumbled Pansy.

Both sets of eyes trailed to her, questioning. It had been odd enough that Pansy Parkinson, a Death Eater and a Slytherin was in the Order camp and hadn't intended harm, but now she wanted to fight for them. Draco was licking his teeth uncomfortably and Hermione was chewing on her lip unsure of what to say, if there was anything to say in the first place. What was there to say in such a startling, and yet so awkward, situation?

Hermione was the first to break the silence. "That's - that's wonderful, Pansy. Thank you so much for fighting for us and... for telling us. It must have taken a lot of bravery to do so".

The still-sobbing blonde ran at Hermione then, latching onto her and crying into her shoulder. Draco became even more uncomfortable and began kicking at the gravel beneath their feet. Once she had composed herself enough, she held her arm out to shake her ex-lover's hand. He stared at it, not taking it, but instead gave a curt nod of acceptance.

"How much time do we have left?" he asked quietly, meeting Hermione's eyes meaningfully.

"Not long" whimpered Pansy. "Not long at all".

"As in?"

"Days at the most. They - they were planning it, but they kicked me out. They didn't trust me enough to tell me; suspected I had gotten too friendly with Hermione. They were right, after all. Well, at least that's a first".

Draco tensed, his lips parting hesitantly. He made a clicking noise with his tongue on the roof of his mouth before speaking. "Get some rest, Parkinson. I expect you're going to need it, after all".

She nodded. "Yeah, I probably will. Well, I don't want to get in the way of you two spending what might be your last moments together".

Hermione winced.

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