Chapter Eight ~ Uncertainty

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"Christmas is coming" Hermione mused one snowy morning in the second week of December. "I wish we could do gifting like the old times".

Ginny nodded and gazed at the fire burning across the room from the couch they were sitting on. "I think we all do. But there can be other kinds of gifts that can be given... Memories, conversations... Things to take our minds off the present climate".

Hermione couldn't help but think of Draco and his oddly affectionate gestures. "I suppose. But you can't wrap up a laugh or a memory and put it under the tree".

The redhead smiled forlornly as she looked to the tree standing in the corner of the room. "I guess that's just what makes it all the more special" she replied.

Luna came into the room with a tray of freshly baked sugar cookies, smiling her usual vacant, dreamy smile. "I don't know why we have to have mistletoe up. Lot's of nargles around. I don't think it's a very pleasant tradition".

Ginny and Hermione exchanged a quick look that clearly said 'there's no point in arguing'. Luna continued. "But I suppose it has it's benefits. Kisses sound great and everything... But I wouldn't know".

Ginny raised her eyebrows. "You've never kissed anyone?"

She shook her head. "Never... I suppose I've always been too fond of being alone to ever try to find someone to have by my side. Who have you two kissed? What's it like?"

"Hermione's kissed Malfoy" Ginny smirked.

"I'm not surprised" said Luna impassively. "I've seen them together... They seem to work quite nicely in a dysfunctional sort of way".

Hermione grinned. "Yeah, we do".

"So what's it like?" asked Luna. "I've been hoping to kiss someone soon... Maybe Neville".

"Neville?" inquired a shocked Ginny in reply. "I didn't know you were interested in Neville! Well, watch out because I'm certain that Parvati has a thing for him. But anyways. Kissing is... it's hard to describe really. It makes me feel warm. It feels right kissing Harry... It's like the way to really express yourself to someone you love".

"Or like" said Hermione quickly. "I don't love Draco... I just like him".

"A lot" added Ginny wish a smug grin. "You light up like a candle when you're around him. But I have a question. How can you like someone you fight with so much?"

"We're... We fit" she admitted quietly.

"You're opposites though, aren't you?" countered Ginny.

"I don't think they are" replied Luna dreamily. "I think they're more alike than we all know. They have a lot in common, if you really think on it".

And Hermione then realized what she hadn't before; maybe they weren't so different anymore. Maybe they really were alike. And maybe they did fit.


"You're doing it again" she noted, smiling shyly across the table from him. He liked her smile. It made her autumn colored eyes grow even warmer and crinkle at the corners.
"What?" asked Draco, looking down at his food and feigning his innocence. He stared at her when she didn't look, simply because he could. He enjoyed looking at her, being around her. It made him feel warm.

It made him feel human. It was easy to forget sometimes, really... That he was human. Perhaps humanity wasn't as complete without the simple pleasures that went along with it. In the midsts of all the chaos, it was hard to find room for insignificant things. But without them, it only reminded the all how significant those little things really are.

The Grey In His Eyes! Dramoine Story (Draco & Hermione)Where stories live. Discover now