Chapter Six ~ Trust

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Hermione was disappointed. For one, she was a Gryffindor and she was afraid. And for two, she was not afraid of the important issues like the Death Eaters or war.

She was afraid of Draco Malfoy. Not because he was intimidating particularly (though he was), but because she was growing fond of him. She simply couldn't do so. He was a Pureblood sexgod, and she was a Mudblood whom was still a virgin. Her feelings were on the fence between friendship and attraction, but neither one was acceptable.

She spent most of her efforts for the weeks following their intimate encounter involving toast, and for the most part it worked. She knew she could only evade him for so long, though.

She was walking down the hall to her bedroom when she felt a firm male hand on her shoulder, and she knew the evading was over at that point. She turned around to face him a little too quickly and rigidly. "What, Malfoy?"

"I was just wondering when you were going to stop avoiding me" he murmured, his grey eyes meeting her chocolate ones. His eyes made her feel as though she was melting, so she swiftly avoided his gaze and looked down to the bewitched floor.

"I can't stop avoiding you" she replied.

"Why?" he asked. He was trying to hide the hurt in his voice, but was quite unsuccessful at this exercise. "After what happened I'd think you'd... Want to talk".

"I - I can't do this" she stuttered.

"Do what?" he raised an eyebrow. "I was in sights of being friends, but if friends were too much to ask we could be acquaintances".

"I just can't" she sighed. "I'm starting to like you as a person".

"And?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"And that can't happen" she answered. "It's not... It won't... It just won't end well, alright? We're just opposites".

"Opposites attract" he smiled forlornly, but his smile quickly turned into a smirk when her eyes widened like saucers. "I mean they mesh well. What were you thinking of?"

She blushed and shook her head. "This is - this is why we can't be anything other than on the same side. We think of things differently from each other and -

"Granger, I meant to mess with your head a bit" he interjected. "It's what I do. Look, we should just... converse occasionally".

"Why does it matter so much to you?"

He rolled his eyes. "I don't know how you did it, but you managed to get under my skin and make me care. And you haven't been yourself... You haven't shouted at me in weeks".

She grinned reluctantly. "Malfoy... I just don't like where this is going -

"What do you mean where this is going?" he smirked once more. "I wasn't aware it was erh - going anywhere as you say".

"Nevermind" she shook her head. "Just... Thank you for what you did. I'm just not sure if I... I'm not -

"Not a problem" he shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the last part. He knew perfectly well where she was going it. She had become just as aware as him at the chemistry they had. She was perhaps even developing romantic feelings for him.

She simply nodded, biting her lip. Biting her lip didn't help the situation for him. He was already sexually frustrated enough with her as it was, and her doing that didn't turn matters around for the better.

Then, to top off the mess she'd created, she walked into her room and shut the door. He groaned. This was much more of a challenge than he thought.

The Grey In His Eyes! Dramoine Story (Draco & Hermione)Where stories live. Discover now