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I woke to my sister screaming, "Run!" I got up half asleep to feel something shake. My sister graves my hand and started to run. I realized it was and earthquake. We ran across the street as a giant crack started to form. We jumped over it and ran past a building that was colapsing. A brick from it nearly hit my face. I saw the Boy from 13 walking to the edge of the snowy forest where we were. We made it to the edge of the city. But there was and invisible wall blocking us. A giant crack started to come to us. I yelled at my sister to move. we ran opposite directions not knowing. I turned back to see my sister looking at me across the giant crack. I yelled at her not to move. The ground shook more and I herd a scream at the middle of the city. Boom went a cannon. We stood across the crack from each other leaning on the wall. That's then the boy from 13, Nuke, hobbled to me. He had no defense. I asked him what he wanted but he just stared at me. His whole left arm had frostbite. another shake and a crack formed under Nuke. He looked to the sky and yelled," Someday You, the capital will fall! And I will be watching down on you enjoying it all. Kill me now, what are you waiting for. I'm done  with this fucking game and I can't live in a world where the districts are treated like shit from the fucking sick capital!" With that Nuke fell in the crack and a cannon went off.

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