
16 1 0

I woke up to the Pemen song. I looked up at the sky as the tributes were shown in death order. The boy from 1, the girl from 4, the boy from 4, finally my sister. I looked around at the plains area. It was destroyed by the tornado. I strugled to get out of the tree that was in the pond. I finally got out. I did not have my backpack and weapons with me. They must have flew off somewhere. I realized That only 5 tributes are left. Me, the siblings from 7, and the siblings from 6. As I sat up I felt pain from my arm. I looked at the twig stabbed into my arm. I heard a beeping sound and a sponsor gift flew down. I opened the box and found a cream. I pulled the twig out and Put the cream on my shoulder. As I layed down and closed my eyes, I heard a voice ecoing over the arena.
" Congrats to the remaining 5 tributes. Their have been 4 storms and disasters. next their will be a viruse. At noon Tomaro will be 5 cures at the cornacopia for the virus that will be released at 1. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor."

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