
45 1 5

I pushed the Bulls body on the wall until a cannon went off. I backed away and saw his body burn down to ashes.
I grabbed the stuck and turned around to see the 6 siblings running at me. I punched the boy and jumped on the girl. I raised my stick and as I brought it down her brother jumped on me I stabbed my stick threw his chest. A cannon went off. I pushed his body off of me and the girl jumped on me. She was holding me down and pulling on my stick out of my hand. I pushed her off and put my stick into the air. As I was letting it down she grabbed it out of my hand and stabbed it into my chest. I fell off of her and touched the stick stabbed into my chest. I pulled it out and threw it. I looked up at the red arena top. I saw Hope looking down at me. The stick stabbed into her neck. A cannon went off. I WON, I won. Joy filled me. I closed my eyes and felt a tear go down my cheek. I felt the warmth of my tear of blood.

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