
16 1 1

I woke up to my sister yelling run. I Jumped up and we took off. behind us was the carrers. We entered the plains area. Suddently the wind picked up. as we were running to the end of this aria a funnel of wind formed in the middle of the area. We bumped into and invisable wall at the edge.
I turned around to see one of the carrers being sucked up. ads One of the ones jumped on my sister with his knife at her throat.
another one came at me with his noting star. The career that got sucked up fell down on the morning star one. 2 cannons went off. Suddently hail started down. Me and my sister ran to a tree. The tornado was coming to us. We were struggling holding on the branch. I could here the roar of the tornado near. The tree next to us flew up in the air.I felt our tree getting lose. I heard a scream and a cannon went off. My sister was next to me crying. Suddently our tree flew up twords the funnel of wind. A giant piece of hail his my sister and I saw the life leave her. The sound of cannon was hard to hear in the roar of the tornado. Suddently I was dropping to a pond below.

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