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I watched the night sky as the Penem Anthom played and the fallen were shown. Durango Dio District 5, Sunny Grydip District 2, Nuke Petri District 13, Scyth Thorn District 9. 11 tributes left... and my brother is still alive. As I lay down in the tree I looked around in the jungle. I was starving and thirsty. I did not know how much longer I could go. Suddently I heard crunching on the ground like when you step over leaves. Joy spread threw me as I saw my brother walking. I said," Deseal I'm up here !"
He turned up to me with a smile on his face. I scooted over to make room on my branches. He said," I am so glad I found you." I fell asleep to him telling his tale of how he got here.

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