♡ Wrecking the impala

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Riding down the highway, you numbly blasted oldies Rock. The only genre of music that Dean would keep throughout his impala. It was the first time the man had ever let you out of the house alone. Surprisingly giving you the keys to the impala and a set of rules/reminders, of course.

But the older Winchester brother even trusted you with his life, so taking Baby for one cruise couldn't hurt you or the car. So he thought..

A spared glance to the radio, to change the song and you'd missed important road work signs. Leading you to be driving straight into road-workers and construction.

All of them scrambled to get out of your way, but with a small jerk you pulled the wheel and watched as your life seemed to flash before your eyes like a powerpoint presentation. Everything after the action went oddly slow. You felt gravity pushing you down and realized the car was doing multiple flips down the road. Hitting some other cars in the process. Though most of the transportation refrained from being in aim of the rolling vehicle.

After a good amount of time it abruptly came to a stop, and as your foggy vision looked around all you could see was something of a horror movie. You couldn't recall if it was from you, but that was the least you'd hoped. Not wanting anyone else to have been harmed in the process of your own screwing up.

Your mind directly went to Dean after that, wondering how he'd react to the damaging of his baby, and if he'd scold you for the one second of looking away for a song change.

A cough was sounded from your lips and blood drizzled it's way down to your chin. The cold began sweeping over your body as you heard loud screams from around the entire area. People seemed to be gathering in a crowd around what was left of the vehicle that you were caught up under.

"Someone dial 911, quick!" A gruff voice yelled about to all the bystanders, hoping anyone of them would take the demands and quickly go through with them. He tried his best to find his was through the rubble, and as you saw his hand reaching it's way through the metal you faded off into unconsciousness.
The pain you bared, knocking you senseless.

You awoke spread about on a hospital bed, Sam sitting by your bedside with his gaze focused to his laptop. His eyes never once looking up to you as you moved slowly.

The room was blandly white, and you fidgeted with the uncomfortable material of the hospital gown you wore. Nothing felt right and you were aching head-to-toe, as if something just crushed your entire body completely. Any portion inside your brain couldn't seem to reminisce what happened, and how you ended up here in the said hospital bed. Only leaving you to wonder if you had some sort of small memory loss from whatever the accident happened to be. But, you desperately wanted to know what happened, and would get the information directly from Sam himself.

With a groggy voice you finally spoke up, catching the attention of the long haired Winchester. "What happened, Sammy?"

His eyes met with yours, and as if he was rubbing in whatever had happened, he grew a smirk across his facial features. "You crashed the Impala, even after Dean gave you specific rules and instructions."

Eyes widening, you sat forward. Contemplating if he was just pulling your leg or being wholesomely serious about the accident. "I-I crashed the Impala..
You're sure?"

He nodded and went back to his computer scrolling, not sending you another look of the eye as he did. "Yes. Dean and I happened to go and look at it. It's crushed completely,"

A soft face-palm and you could already feel the death lingering over you. The death you knew you'd get from the hands of your own boyfriend, Dean Winchester.

"By the way, Dean is out getting food.
He won't be back for a little while so-"

"Well at least I have little time before I
finally sleep in my death bed. I just want to let you know that you've been a great partner and friend to me, Sam." He laughed at this, still not giving you the time of a glance.

"You're not dying today, [Y/N]. Dean did have worry for his Impala, but his worry for you was far more important to him than anything. You should've seen him crying. A real man he is." He joked, before swiping his thumb across the pad of his laptop. Still using his nerdy words to investigate other things for the two siblings to hunt. Considering you could no longer do so, and were temporarily out of the Winchester hunting business.

"Did I just hear you right? Dean loves his Baby more than me. Even if I don't die, I'll be losing some sort of body part."

You fumble your fingers together, knowing that with Dean there would in fact be a consequence. You knew the man quite well and he loved the machine more than any man, child, or woman. The only person he loved equally was Sam, and that was it.

"No, actually. He really lov-"

Before Sam could finish his talking, the hospital door was opened to a fumbling Dean as he walked in with two big brown bags of some overly greasy take out.

He didn't wear any type of angered expression, though he sported bags under his eyes and his once beautiful hair was messy and unbrushed. He looked more sad than any other emotion, and that alone made you want to cry for him. He set the treats down onto the table, before speaking up. Him still not looking over at you nor Sam.

"Has she woken up yet, Sam? Because I really need to talk with her,"

Sam ushered at you to say something, so with a gulp of bravery, you let out a few simplistic words to let him know of your consciousness. "Hey, Dean.."

Dean's head immediately whipped back around, and he rushed to your side. His arms pulling you into the most delicate hug, almost as if he were too afraid to break you; Like you were some Porcelain doll to be sat on a high shelf and away from any other inanimate object.

Shocked. That's all you were at his sweet but sad reaction, and Sam could see it written along your face. His chuckles echoing off the white Hospital walls, clearly finding the moment quite amusing.

You grasped onto the silver cross necklace in which the brothers had given you as a gift of protection, before pressing it up against Dean's cheek. Mentally wondering if it really was him treating you this way, and not jumping your ass for making unsafe decisions.

He snickered and lowered his gaze at you.
"Yes, it's really me, and yes, I'm not mad at you. Trust me. Sammy would know."

You did a double take between the two, Sam shrugging his shoulders as if a sign of him silently saying "I told you so". Clearly he wore that pride and rubbed it straight in your face.

You push the necklace back down under the hospital gown and give a smile; along with a hands up of defense. Deciding to play along with the two of them.

"Just making sure. Can't be too safe. Right?"

"That's my girl. Now let's eat, I'm starving." Dean suggests, Sam closing up his laptop and catching the few burgers being tossed his way. Dean specially got you what you would want, before handing it down to you and sitting across the way from Sam.

Not once did the males bring up the incident of Dean's once beautiful car, but you insisted on helping him rebuild the thing. Which he accepted, and after a gracious healing from Castiel.. the two of you took the alone time together to revive Baby.

𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora