CHARACTERS : How they treat you on your period

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At first he'll joke around about your mood swings, but when he solemnly realizes that you're in a decent amount of pain then he'll take the situation seriously and finds himself bringing you pie, or any junk food imaginable.

Even though most of the time he is occupied with his hunting job, he will find and make time to spend with you so he can comfort you with various amounts of affection.


After the two of you spend time researching together, he'll treat you to a nicely cooked meal and then a warm bubble bath. Because Sam knows how much the heating helps with cramps and tends to feel better when you're no longer in pain. So anything that'll help, he'll attend with.

He is possibly the best person to be around when you're suffering from the Devil's rain, because he's done his fair share of research on it and knows what is to be done in every situation.


After being utterly confused over the entire concept, he will eventually find out that he can heal you with his given angelic powers. Therefore you can walk freely with no cramps, and it's the best feeling in the world.


With rare genoricity, you'll find Gabriel sharing his treasured sweets with you and he will even go to far lengths with showing you bed ridden affection. Affection that involves binge watching seasons of your favorite television show, and warm cuddles.


Usually he won't be home to give you the treatment he wished he could give his queen. Therefore he will make sure that you have several servants under your arm, if at any time he's not at aid you will be able to have what you need or desire in the snap of a finger. Which you usually feel guilty over, but thankfully take.


In unison, you two will have pains and piled bathroom visits. But Charlie seems to make that completely better when she starts supplying the both of you with the junks you desire, and the medicine needed to fade away the gut wrenching cramps.

You're glad to be her period pal, and she's glad to be yours as well.


His tolerance is low. Therefore he will leave out the door, and refuse to return until the time has been spent and is over with. But he will still make sure to keep you supplied, and healthy. Because he wouldn't want otherwise for you.


Being hot-headed towards a hot head is never a good thing. Which is why Lucifer and you usually end up in many quarrels when you're on your monthly visit. Because one small thing you would complain of, and the hell bound male would get annoyed with it all. Therefore staying away from one another is the best option through that small amount of time.

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